RE: How to beat depression 07-30-2018, 04:14 AM
Sigh... Alright, I didn't really want to send this, but whatever.
1. Sleeping problems - I'm constantly sleepy. Like, seriously. I'm tired all the damn time, and I sleep as much as I can, and I eat once a day because of that. And when I can't sleep, I just watch videos I don't feel anything for/about, and then as fast as I feel the slightest bit of "I can sleep now", I try to sleep. If that doesn't work, repeat.
2. Feeling like there are no reasons to live - It's hard to describe it... I have these thoughts about being lifeless, not deserving to live, and also having thoughts about there being no reason to live. Contemplating whether there is one as well, like contemplating love, power, money, and stuff like that. Like even if I got a well paying job, and a family, it just won't last. Do you get it?
3. No interests in things you loved before - I used to spend all of my time playing video games, and watching videos. I don't remember if I ever felt like I enjoyed it or not, but now, I know I feel nothing. Absolutely nothing. I only do it to waste time, until I can sleep, to escape it all.
4. Mostly/always tired - As I said, I'm always tired. Both mentally and physically, I just don't want to be awake. I want gone. Out.
5. No eating - If I didn't have someone constantly bugging me, waking me up to eat, and me hardly giving in once a day, because I'm basically forced to, I wouldn't eat for days.
6. Bad concentration - It used to be that I couldn't concentrate, but now I'm really uncertain. It's kind of like I'm not even myself when I talk to people, like I'm on autopilot or something. Like I'm a zombie.
7. Avoiding activities - I absolutely do not want to go out. I want to stay in, and lay in my bed, and preferably sleep, thanks.
8. Hate people around you - It used to be just feeling like others hated me, but then I said "fuck everyone, I'm tired of trying to put effort into these assholes, and they ignore me, forget about me, fall asleep while talking to me, yeah no, fuck everyone, I hate all of these dickheads."
9. Speaking quietly - People constantly tell me to speak up, and to put a smile on my face. It's getting tiring.
1. Sleeping problems - I'm constantly sleepy. Like, seriously. I'm tired all the damn time, and I sleep as much as I can, and I eat once a day because of that. And when I can't sleep, I just watch videos I don't feel anything for/about, and then as fast as I feel the slightest bit of "I can sleep now", I try to sleep. If that doesn't work, repeat.
2. Feeling like there are no reasons to live - It's hard to describe it... I have these thoughts about being lifeless, not deserving to live, and also having thoughts about there being no reason to live. Contemplating whether there is one as well, like contemplating love, power, money, and stuff like that. Like even if I got a well paying job, and a family, it just won't last. Do you get it?
3. No interests in things you loved before - I used to spend all of my time playing video games, and watching videos. I don't remember if I ever felt like I enjoyed it or not, but now, I know I feel nothing. Absolutely nothing. I only do it to waste time, until I can sleep, to escape it all.
4. Mostly/always tired - As I said, I'm always tired. Both mentally and physically, I just don't want to be awake. I want gone. Out.
5. No eating - If I didn't have someone constantly bugging me, waking me up to eat, and me hardly giving in once a day, because I'm basically forced to, I wouldn't eat for days.
6. Bad concentration - It used to be that I couldn't concentrate, but now I'm really uncertain. It's kind of like I'm not even myself when I talk to people, like I'm on autopilot or something. Like I'm a zombie.
7. Avoiding activities - I absolutely do not want to go out. I want to stay in, and lay in my bed, and preferably sleep, thanks.
8. Hate people around you - It used to be just feeling like others hated me, but then I said "fuck everyone, I'm tired of trying to put effort into these assholes, and they ignore me, forget about me, fall asleep while talking to me, yeah no, fuck everyone, I hate all of these dickheads."
9. Speaking quietly - People constantly tell me to speak up, and to put a smile on my face. It's getting tiring.