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Tutorial on Lucid dreaming filter_list
Tutorial on Lucid dreaming #1
To start this off

What is Lucid dreaming?
A lucid dream is any dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming. The term was coined by the Dutch psychiatrist and writer Frederik (Willem) van Eeden (1860–1932).[1] In a lucid dream, the dreamer may be able to exert some degree of control over their participation within the dream or be able to manipulate their imaginary experiences in the dream environment.[2] Lucid dreams can be realistic and vivid.[3] It is shown that there are higher amounts of beta-1 frequency band (13–19 Hz) experienced by lucid dreamers, hence there is an increased amount of activity in the parietal lobes making lucid dreaming a conscious process.[4]
Lucid dreaming has been researched scientifically, and its existence is well established.

Ok I'm not sure how many people here are aware of this but i still feel like posting it.

Disclaimer: This are a few Tutorials that i have found overtime in HF and have worked for me.

Wild LD:

This step is just as important as all of the other steps. In order to prepare for this, you need to be already well-rested. If you are tired, you will tend to fall asleep before you actually hit WILDs. You also need to be in a dark, quiet room with very little distractions. It is very important that you stay concentrated and focused throughout the process. If your mind wanders even a little from concentration, you need to catch yourself and try to focus again. So it's time to start. Lay down in your bed (with or without sheets/covers) and lie on your back. Make sure your legs are uncrossed and your palms are face-down by your side. Look straight up at the roof and close your eyes.

The Process
This is the hardest step to maintain. Once you close your eyes, begin taking large, deep breaths. Breath in for five seconds and count "one". Then exhale and pause for three seconds. Inhale for five seconds and count "two". Then exhale and pause for three more seconds. Continue to count like this until you get to around 30. Getting to 20 is when it gets very difficult because you will notice that your mind will tend to make thoughts up and you will begin to daydream. It is VERY important you catch yourself before you get stuck in a daydream. If you notice that you are daydreaming, go back to counting and attempt to make it to 30 counts. If you are daydreaming for a long enough time, you will fall asleep and you will not enter WILDs.

The Lucid Dream
By this point, you will either begin to experience vertigo. This is where you begin to feel the room spin. Once you feel this, it is important you focus on this. You no longer need to count above 30. Notice which way you spin, how fast you spin, how slow, and if you change directions. Focus on every detail of the spin. Focusing on the vertigo reduces your chances of being "jerked". This is when you are caught off-guard by a spin and you are "jerked" awake. This is the mind's last check that you are awake before dreaming. This spinning effect will last for around 10-20 good seconds. After this, you should enter your LD.

How do I Know if I'm in a LD?
There are a few tests you can run on yourself to see if you are in a LD. The first major one is a question. You should ask yourself, "Am I asleep?". If this question is hazy and you're not sure if you're awake or sleep, you have most likely entered your LD. The next small test is called the finger test. What you do, is hold one hand up and physically touch each finger while you count how many fingers you have on that hand. In a LD, you will usually have more or less than 5 fingers on a hand. You may want to count two or three times. Another test you can perform is called the time test. Look at a clock in the dream or a wrist-watch (if your projection is wearing a watch). Note the time and look away from the clock/watch. Count to three and look back at the time. It should be different by hours of many minutes the next time you look at the clock. This is a personal test to remind your brain you are in a LD and to not actually fall asleep.

How to Maintain Long LDs
Remember that you will assume you have full control over the dream when in reality, your sub-conscience brain will control 95% of the dream. The only aspect of the dream you can control is where you want to be and what you want to be doing. Your sub-conscience will take care of the rest. Since it takes very little effort to actually maintain a LD, you need to keep your brain active in order to stay awake and not fall asleep. To do this, you need to make a quick LD check every once in awhile to confirm to your brain that you are indeed in a LD and not in an alternate reality. Check the time often, count fingers, or ask yourself if your awake. If you fail to preform these tests, your brain will forget you want to stay awake and it will automatically put you to sleep without you even noticing. If you are in a loud setting, the noises will interrupt your LD and possibly wake you up. Also, if the room is lit, your brain will become confused and jerk you awake without any means of controlling the jerk in order to confirm your location. This sounds strange but if your brain has no idea if you are in a dream or you are awake, it will preform a jerk. You may have noticed this if you were sleepy and you began daydreaming during the day. Your brain will become confused and you will spasm physically and semi-violently. Keep this in mind during preparation.

How to Wake from a LD
This step is very hard to do. You may want to wake up from your dream but you will notice that you are paralyzed when it comes to waking up. You have been physically paralyzed by your brain so that your dream motions do not mix with your physical movements. Sleep walkers wont have this paralyzing phenomenon because their brain doesn't have that check. In order to overcome this mental check, you need to jerk yourself within your dream. To do this, you need to do something that will scare your brain so badly, that it will need to physically "jerk" or react to save yourself physically. In other words, since your brain thinks an LD is reality, you can do something that threatens your dream life and your brain will have to overcome that dream-reality check and physically jerk you. You can imagine you are skydiving and you hit the ground without a parachute. You can jump off a skyscraper or even shoot yourself. You become the demented person to find a method of killing yourself. Just last night, I was driving a Mercedes and I decided to exit my LD. I just simply speed up to 135 mph and drove off a bridge and crashed. This was enough to jerk me back into reality and I opened my eyes.

Awaking from an LD
It is important to perform reality checks after you wake up. Look at the clock, count fingers, and ask if you're awake. What this does is makes it a sub-conscience habit to do these checks. So in the future, you will be able to perform DILDs (Dream Induced Lucid Dream). This makes it easier to enter LDs in the future because as soon as your reality changes perspectives, you will automatically preform these checks and may find out you are actually LDing. After you have done these checks you may now walk away and enjoy the rest of your day or night.

Normal LD:
The most effective means of lucid dreaming is to invoke Sleep Paralysis. This is where your body has been shut down by your mind, but you are still awake. Your dream states begin and you are fully conscious the entire time.

I found this is the quickest way for someone to begin lucid
dreaming on the first attempt.
Lay down to go to sleep. This works best if you are extremely tired.
Lay on your back with your arms at your side and eyes closed. STAY PERFECTLY STILL. You must stay awake. Your brain will send signals to your body to see if you are ready to sleep. These signals include getting an itch, wanting to change your body position, or wanting to blink or move your eyeballs (remember your eyes should be closed). YOU MUST IGNORE ALL OF THESE IMPULSES. After about 20-30 minutes you will feel a weight on your chest. You may even hear weird noises. You are now in sleep paralysis. If you open your eyes you will begin to hallucinate (dream with your eyes open) and you will not be able to move your body. Your body is completely asleep. Now that you are aware you are dreaming. You can shut your eyes and begin to dream about anything you want, instantly. You will be fully aware you are dreaming and can now (with some practice) control your dreams.

Now that you are lucid dreaming there are a few tricks to:
A. Check to see if you are dreaming
B. Stay dreaming while fully aware you are dreaming

A. You can do a few things in a dream to test and see if you are
You can flip a light switch. Flipping a light switch will never turn on
a light. Most of the times it does nothing.
Another thing to do is look in a mirror. You will never see yourself.
Once you have done this, you have confirmed you are dreaming, and now have control over your dreams.
B. Once you realize you are dreaming, your mind will try to wake up.
The best method (I found) to stay asleep and dreaming is to spin in a
circle (in your dream). This part of the brain will take all of the
attention away from waking up and now you will be into a DEEP sleep.
(This post was last modified: 11-19-2012, 01:51 AM by Panera.)


RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming #2
Thanks for this post bro, keep up the HQ work!
[Image: 57sQsY2.png]


RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming #3
Thanks for this bro! Biggrin


RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming #4
You guys are welcome, follow the guide step by step and you will succeed.


RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming #5
Ævangelist can you please take a look at my thread: http://lightforums.org/showthread.php?tid=280

You seem to know a lot about dreams so maybe you can figure out wha was happening to me.


RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming #6
Great share man! Pretty HQ Smile


RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming #7
Thanks man i appreciate it.


RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming #8
Thanks for the tut. Im gonna have to try hard to succeed cause I've tried this tut more than 10 times and all of the times I ended up daydreaming or being paralysed.


RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming #9
I would really like someone to teach me how to see auras. If you guys don't know what it is... search it up! It's really interesting!
[Image: bikini-girl-dancing-gets-pushed-out-of-the-way.gif]


RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming #10
Well nobody can teach you. Its something you must do on your own.


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