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RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming 11-22-2012, 06:02 AM
Definitely going to give this a try. Thanks!
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming 11-22-2012, 07:23 PM
You are welcome. Enjoy. I love LD's.
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming 12-13-2012, 07:04 AM
This isn't exactly on the subject of lucid dreaming but it has to do with it. Often in class or at home I will fall asleep, but it isn't real sleep, it's "sleep paralysis". To me it's actually very scary and happens a lot. I'll just be watching t.v. or something and than when I'm in the "sleep paralysis" I can't move, talk, etc. I still hear and see everything around me that is going on.
One time I was in class and i put my head down, sideways, and I started to doze off. I then went into "sleep paralysis". I was paying attention to the lecture and everything, then I tried to pick my head up and I couldn't. I was just stuck there staring at my friend sitting next to me. He looked at me and gave me a weird look and he was creeped out because I was staring at him. Finally I woke up about 5 minutes later and told him what happened and he said the same thing happens to him sometimes.
The problem is this happens to me a lot and I don't like it. Is there anything I can do to stop it? Or are there any ways you guys know how to break the paralysis when I'm in it?
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RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming 12-13-2012, 09:36 PM
That is completely weird.. Might want to go to a doctor because i have no idea on why that happens to you.
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RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming 12-13-2012, 10:17 PM
Sleep paralysis happens to certain people, as well as spiritual people (at least those who believe that they're spiritual.. so their brains make them go into sleep paralysis).
Generally, the problem isn't something of your own doing, it's natural. But you might want to see a doctor for pills or whatnot.
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RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming 12-19-2012, 06:41 PM
An LD wow, never heard of this but seems cool
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: Tutorial on Lucid dreaming 12-22-2012, 05:45 PM
This is a great HQ post, and I can definitely tell when I'm having a lucid dream especially when things in the dream start to go my way.