Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Zuckerberg's Big Idea 08-25-2013, 08:07 AM
It would help a lot of people around the world and it would also open up TONS of job opportunities!
Eleven Years of Service
Posts: 2,232
Threads: 133
RE: Zuckerberg's Big Idea 08-26-2013, 10:40 AM
That's actually an incredible idea, it could change the world even further forever.
Off topic: I love the OG domain. That's where all the Facebook money is going :')
Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Zuckerberg's Big Idea 10-09-2013, 12:06 PM
Like the idea, not Zuckerberg...
Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Zuckerberg's Big Idea 10-09-2013, 02:30 PM
I don't dislike facebook nor have fondness towards it to the point of spending too much time. I rather discuss topics on forums than wasting time on facebook.
I support this idea, communication has been a lot better on the internet nowadays. It's good to see efforts have been made to provide an opportunity to those who are unfortunate when it comes to internet usage. It's already a given that the perpetrator should gain something in return - we could say win-win at the least.
Eleven Years of Service
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Threads: 39
RE: Zuckerberg's Big Idea 10-09-2013, 04:41 PM
This is kinda a good idea, since it would bring down the mobile operators network, like those mobile internet's which needs x$/minute, this would improve the effort ISP on the market, providing better services for lower prices (I can't complain a lot, I have 130mb's download and 8mb's upload, but it will surely raises if this project goes live). Think about it, it'll be good for everyone, since ppl will be using internet themselves, they'll want to try better internet connections (so, ISP profit's).
Most of the new people will not know what the ads are, or even what adblocker is, so they will give profit to companies and ad providers/webmasters.
Since most of these new people is from the third country they will not buy what they want online, so they will try to find it for free, then they will be get in the niches, providing more victims for PPD / CPA, great for some people in this community and others.
This will also provide more users for gaming communities like mine, which will give more ads and maybe donations to us.
Lots of new content will be added to the internet since everyone wants to share their live experiences and culture...
I think this will help both white and black side of the internet.
Eleven Years of Service
Posts: 655
Threads: 15
RE: Zuckerberg's Big Idea 10-09-2013, 08:25 PM
Look what happened when Nigeria got internet. 419 scams. Let's not encourage more of that, please.
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