(04-26-2013, 07:01 AM)i0xIllusi0n Wrote: And whose to say you're correct? I'm going to believe many others, besides just you.
You're not nearly the best coder, so don't act like it
You're more ignorant than I am....
'I am right, you're wrong, the people who told you, you were right were also wrong. Listen to me because I'm right.'
What I'm doing? Yeah, I'm saying chill out because your so over the top. You want to act like the best when you and I both know you're nothing.
Go ahead and believe false information then lol. The best replies you ever had to me was to say how I'm a lesser programmer than you seem to think I am instigating here. You can go apply for a programming/development job and share your information about what you think Invoking is, and embarrassed yourself. Closed minded people don't learn anything, and you're closed minded to changing your beliefs whether they are wrong or right, and unfortunately in this case they are 100% wrong.
Maybe when you actually learn about programming, and sway away from being a self-proclaimed programmer, will you actually understand how silly your believe is about invoking... By no means, have you ever even provided proof in your claim that I am wrong, you are right, so you have absolutely no credibility here. Any person with an ounce of common sense would see that.
For 17 years old, never even gone to college yet (most probably), and you're trying to act like you know better than me, even though I know for a fact that I have years of experience over your head? What a bad reputation you put on the Syndicate group. All you posted was your rep to get in, and that's evident based on your posts that you don't have anything else other than that number... :S
You don't have very good vocab apparently either. Ignorant, is trying to say someone is wrong, even though they provide proof for why you are wrong, when you can't provide any supporting evidence to rebuttal against the opposing claims. As I said though...
MSDN Wrote:Invoking an event - Once a class has declared an event, it can treat that event just like a field of the indicated delegate type. The field will either be null, if no client has hooked up a delegate to the event, or else it refers to a delegate that should be called when the event is invoked. Thus, invoking an event is generally done by first checking for null and then calling the event.
Invoking an event is done after the event itself is hooked up and as mentioned, done by seeing if it's viable to call the event (because it's not null), and then calling it. Did I not say that Invoking is more dealing with execution?
Hooking up an event is different. You can't Invoke a hotkey, you can hook up a hotkey with an event, and invoke the event when the keypress triggers to invoke the event. Invoking an event, is thus essentially not at all different than phrases that describe invoking a method, or delegate, among other things. What they all have in common is that none of them are to do whatsoever, with "listening" as you seem to think. You've got some learning to do before you try to teach others what you think is their solution.
Hope you enjoy standing behind false information. :blackhat: Until then, be stubborn, it doesn't affect me... But you can't say that I am wrong, when you have no evidence to support what you are saying. And I can tell you, nothing as such even exists (if it's a credible source). You continue to believe that you think you know what Invoking is, and even after I've provided proof for why you are wrong (and yet you have not done the same in return), only shows that you're, perhaps incapable of comprehending/understanding the words that I have referenced in terms of what invoking
really is?
How many more sources of solid proof do I have to provide to show you? Or is your ego causing all of this denial?
Quote:I am right, you're wrong, the people who told you, you were right were also wrong. Listen to me because I'm right.
Can you find those exact words from me using Ctrl+F? Or did you pull them out of your imagination based on words that you twisted using my original statements?