(04-06-2013, 07:00 AM)Colcaps Wrote: Actually i was trolling about the last part but even science cant explain our origin, Somehow your answers make no sense since most of us were born in the 90s not thousands of years ago.
I dont like to argue about this since i believe in my own fate, Quite frankly no one will win this, And lastly i have a question for you that you should answer, Who or How was the universe created, I cant be like shit that just popped out or something.
It's quite easy to see stuff in the past regardless to when we were born, and allow me to point out another flaw that you had in your ending statement there. Onto the first thing;
When scientist say that we originated from the big bang, or at least a giant explosion happened from something very dense that created matter, and things can come from nothing (mind you not some intelligent begin with super powers but simple things can be created on the quantum level). Now lets say a scientist wants to see into the past of space, and he needs a way to do so one of the tools he can use is a telescope, and here's the logic behind it. When you look up into space (before I go any further a light year is how far light can travel in a year) and you point your super strong telescope into the night sky you're looking into the past and that's how ever many light years away that thing is you're seeing the light from however many years ago.
Now when you go into space observatories or high tech mega telescopes they can see billions of light years into space and into the edge of the universe that we know, now how is that important you may ask? well we can see the radiation, and immense heat almost like that of an explosion that is ruffly 10 - 12 billion years old [not sure how old the universe is exactly so it's what ever number that is]. Now let's not argue for the sake of what made the big bang as no one will know the answer to this but I can elaborate further in. When this happens it created clouds of matter, and astonishing amounts of heat that bonded things together into clouds that soon turned into stars, which than exploded sending more elements out and soon creating what we now know as the universe and all of the matter in it. That my friend is how we know or at least have a very good understanding of how the universe was created.
Now I want to bring up a statement you made "I cant be like shit that just popped out or something." yet you believe your omnipotent God, the most complex thing that could ever exist just popped out of nothing? yet you can't grasp the concept of basic elements being molded from a super explosion? please elaborate.