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RE: How much money per month do you consider to be a good amount? 06-08-2022, 12:52 AM
Enough to pay all the bill for the country/city living in and then still manage to save it.
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RE: How much money per month do you consider to be a good amount? 06-08-2022, 09:16 AM
I live in Belarus, the average income in my country is about $400, so people eat cheap food to save money, many people use borrow to get everyday items, cheap clothes, etc. I know that people having $2000 per month are included in the list of the local elite. Comfortable money is 1000$, over this is luxury)))
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RE: How much money per month do you consider to be a good amount? 06-08-2022, 10:23 AM
the statistic speak about 5k each mponth for be confortable, but i see that like a floor price
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RE: How much money per month do you consider to be a good amount? 06-09-2022, 03:12 PM
any money a month would be nice
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RE: How much money per month do you consider to be a good amount? 06-16-2022, 01:44 PM
Depends on location, i think 5k after monthly expenses is a really good sum, more than enough to live a nice life
The things i write in the posts is what I dream at night, no real stuff!
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RE: How much money per month do you consider to be a good amount? 07-01-2022, 10:50 AM
$3000 per month in order to pay for household and kids' education.
$8000 in order to support a comfortable and interesting lifestyle.
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RE: How much money per month do you consider to be a good amount? 07-03-2022, 09:23 PM
All of it bb.
I want it all. All the money!
It's not enough till its all mine.
Two Years of Service
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RE: How much money per month do you consider to be a good amount? 07-04-2022, 01:19 AM
Depends on what you consider comfortable. I personally live pretty spartan. Around 3K a month is enough to make me comfortable. As long as the bills are payed, food is in the pantry, and gas is in the car, then I can skip on all the fancy furniture.
My kitchen table is literally just a plastic folding table with metal folding chairs.
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