Ten Years of Service
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RE: How can I hack a website's database 02-17-2019, 01:40 PM
Not every site is vulnerable to sqli my half assed site can't get taken down that way using any method of sqli you try unless it's a fault in the server software itself. Your going to have to try something else.
The best your going to do at 13 with that method is some old WordPress sites.....
Six Years of Service
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RE: How can I hack a website's database 02-17-2019, 02:44 PM
(02-17-2019, 01:30 PM)GeniLoyd Wrote: (02-17-2019, 01:06 PM)darkninja1980 Wrote: (02-17-2019, 11:19 AM)GeniLoyd Wrote: IM just 13 so they wont put in that type of bars, and I can fight so yeah
I do agree with mothered last post. @"mothered"
also this please read these two threads that I made. click on the 2 links.
Do you want to be in this kind of trouble?
OMFGI'd rather go to jail, instead of helping my #1 ENEMY
So, what are some WORKING/LIIVING tuts on how to hack a website database?
Let me ask you a personal question. Do you know anything or learned about Information Technology? If not you need to learn Networking, Database, programming. Well, it up to you but we did warn you about jail.
My IT skills that I know perfect is SQL, HTML ,css ,wordpress, PHP.
coding skills that I know is Java, JavaScript and C#
Seven Years of Service
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RE: How can I hack a website's database 02-17-2019, 03:11 PM
This child has to leave the internet lmao.
As long as you are living, you will face problems. But you serve a God who solves problems.
Six Years of Service
Posts: 2,973
Threads: 246
RE: How can I hack a website's database 02-17-2019, 03:33 PM
also this I forgot to say right. you might get a harsh judge. If you do get in trouble.
My IT skills that I know perfect is SQL, HTML ,css ,wordpress, PHP.
coding skills that I know is Java, JavaScript and C#
Six Years of Service
Posts: 2,973
Threads: 246
RE: How can I hack a website's database 02-17-2019, 04:49 PM
(02-17-2019, 04:14 PM)mothered Wrote: (02-17-2019, 04:03 PM)GeniLoyd Wrote: (02-17-2019, 03:36 PM)mothered Wrote: It takes "a lot" of dedication and commitment to compromise a website/database. If you want to fall In the category of wannabe hackers, go ahead and use Kali Linux. If not, do It via your own volition and spend 16+ hours a day by way of manual exploitation.
It Is way beyond the scope of this post to document every exploit & attack vector. It'll take me an entire week (at the minimum) to go through the "basics" of Content-Based/Boolean-Based, Inferential/Time-Based, Out-Of-Band & particularly Union-Based SQLi.
I tried kali Linux but didn't go well with any website even with LOW PROTECTION and I spent 40+ hours doing everything RIGHT
Don't waste your time with Kali Linux.
what would you suggest other than Kali Linux?
My IT skills that I know perfect is SQL, HTML ,css ,wordpress, PHP.
coding skills that I know is Java, JavaScript and C#