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RE: WTF is going on in Gaza? 12-08-2023, 12:10 AM
It's not hamas using their citizens as a shield. It's Izrael killing innocent people because they think they have right for Palestinian land
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RE: WTF is going on in Gaza? 12-17-2023, 12:01 AM
Watch the videos of the citizens getting taken hostage by hamas. They are treated with utmost repsect and dignity while israeli soldiers are out here beating little children to death for the reaosn that they are palestinians. Theyre bombing hosptials and using hamas as an excuse. They said it themselves that they think that killin the children is good because theyre going to grow up to become terroirts as well as stated by an israeli minister. This is what they think. This is their mentality.
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RE: WTF is going on in Gaza? 12-17-2023, 10:52 PM
How is this only my 22 post! Ive been posting everywhere
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RE: WTF is going on in Gaza? 12-20-2023, 03:51 PM
I think everyone can agree in that we just want it to come to an end
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RE: WTF is going on in Gaza? 12-20-2023, 10:18 PM
throughline podcast has an okayish episode on it if you want to just listen to people talk about it.
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RE: WTF is going on in Gaza? 12-21-2023, 03:45 AM
I hope everything will be resolved soon
One Year of Service
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RE: WTF is going on in Gaza? 12-22-2023, 09:14 AM
No waaaaaayyy dude i didnt know