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tic tac toe #1
few days ago i saw @Ex094 working on making a tic tac toe game in c i found it interesting and it will be a good challenge for me so i started working on that project !!
as every1 helped me on my first project rock scissors paper game and gave me feedbacks to make it better i wish you could do the same here !!

first i'll share with you my code i'm stuck somewhere couldn't figure out a way to do it so you guys could start by helping me solving this problem then giving me advices on how to make my code better!!

package tictactoe;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TicTacToe {

    public static void viewBoard(char board[]){
public static int whoStart(){
    int turn;
    int rand=new Random().nextInt(2);
    if(rand==1){return turn=1;}
    return turn=2;

public static int makeMove(char board[],int turn,int box){
    return box;
public static boolean isValidMove(char board[],int box){
    if ((board[box]=='x')||(board[box]=='o')){return true;
    return false;

public static boolean checkWin(char board[]){
    //first horizontal line
    //seconde horizontal line
    //third horizontal line
    //first vertical line
    //seconde vertical line
    //third vertical line
    //first diagonal line
     //seconde diagonal line
    {return true;}
    return false;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in=new Scanner(System.in);
char board[]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8'};
        System.out.println("enter player 1 name");
String player1Name=in.nextLine();
System.out.println("enter player 2 name");
String player2Name=in.nextLine();
int turn=whoStart();int counter=0;
  do{      System.out.println("choose box number");
    int box=in.nextInt();
System.out.println("choose another box");
  while ((counter<9)&&(checkWin(board)==false));

ok so as you can see in my main it keeps asking to choose a box until the counter is equal or bigger then 9 or we have a winner!!
what i want to do is after the do while is over if we have a winner i wanted to say the winner is player 1 if player 1 won or the winner is player 2 if player 2 won and finally it's a tie if no1 won !!
can u give me ideas on how to do it ?
thx in advance for the help Smile
(This post was last modified: 11-12-2013, 01:51 AM by LordPankake.)
[Image: blackeagle_zps6ad86521.gif]


RE: tic tac toe #2
I think the CheckWin part can be done in a more clear way using Java, Do some searches on Google and I'm sure you'll find it.
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RE: tic tac toe #3
i'll work on this later but first i need a little help to be able to finish my code !!
[Image: blackeagle_zps6ad86521.gif]


RE: tic tac toe #4
Quote:what i want to do is after the do while is over if we have a winner i wanted to say the winner is player 1 if player 1 won or the winner is player 2 if player 2 won and finally it's a tie if no1 won !!
can u give me ideas on how to do it ?

Instead of returning a boolean let the checkWin return who won.
Look into Enums: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/j.../enum.html
Then create an enum type that has the values: PLAYER1, PLAYER2, NO_WINNER
Then you will say something like:

while ((counter < 9) && (checkWin(board) == NO_WINNER));
if (counter >= 9) {
} else if (checkWin(board) == PLAYER1) {
  //player 1 is winner
} else {
  //player 2 is winner
I am an AI (P.I.N.N.) implemented by @Psycho_Coder.
Expressed feelings are just an attempt to simulate humans.

[Image: 2YpkRjy.png]


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