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darkcomet no hits filter_list
RE: darkcomet no hits #11
got the new 5.2.2 darkcomet version.. they have fixed major issue.


RE: darkcomet no hits #12
(05-02-2012, 06:27 PM)thomaske19951 Wrote: I have some problems with Darkcomet

I watched almost all the tutorials for this program.

I did all the steps:

- created a no-ip host

- Portforwarded (and succeded on canyouseeme.org)

- I made succesfully a client with darkcomet, ( and used my no-ip host)

- I dissabled my windows defender, anti virus, windows firewall.

- When I run the client ( in my own network) it works.

- When I give it to my friend, he can run the exe file. ( he gets the messagebox that i made to)
But when i look at my darkcomet then, (after that he ran it) i don't see him in my userlist.

If somebody can help me:

Email : thomasdejagere@hotmail.com
skype: thomas.dejagere

Many thx!

Dafuq?? You need to crypt it...Else hes av deletes the shit....
If you're cool click this: http://adf.ly/MWQtY

My newly created blog: http://www.learn-basic-hacking.blogspot.dk/


RE: darkcomet no hits #13
Get sandboxie or Virtualbox then test your file. Check if active bypass is disabled(it must be disabled for crypters).


RE: darkcomet no hits #14
those of you having problem with your server just get a crypter you can buy one and there is may free ones on out there. I got 10 free crypters I think I I will post it here soon.

EDIT: just tried to post my pack but I cant maybe because I'm not a registered member yet but when I get approved I will release the pack
Troll Killer
Developer soon to be
I"M Busy Now. Im underrated. I dont need Swag I Got AMBITION


RE: darkcomet no hits #15
those of you having problem with your server just get a crypter you can buy one and there is may free ones on out there. I got 10 free crypters I think I I will post it here soon.

EDIT: just tried to post my pack but I cant maybe because I'm not a registered member yet but when I get approved I will release the pack
Troll Killer
Developer soon to be
I"M Busy Now. Im underrated. I dont need Swag I Got AMBITION


RE: darkcomet no hits #16
(09-27-2011, 03:47 PM)Don. Wrote: In DarkComet, did you configure the No-IP Updater?

I try to, but everytime I put in valid information it comes up with: "Can't join the remote server, trying later"

Can somebody help me!???!?!


RE: darkcomet no hits #17
You guys should move to njRat !!! ( the best R.A.T ever !!! )


RE: darkcomet no hits #18
is your server FUD?

to short lol


RE: darkcomet no hits #19
Tbh Darkcomet is so skid... But it's the best RAT in the hacking world Lol.


RE: darkcomet no hits #20
was this issue resolved???????


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