[android] IRC bot 08-11-2017, 10:56 AM
Unfinished IRC bot base for the Android platform.
This program launches a background service for the IRC connection and starts after power-up/reboot.
VirusTotal: https://virustotal.com/#/file/c6b646207e.../detection
Source code is available here: https://github.com/titbang/bangbot
.login <password> / login to bot
.text <number> <message> <options> / send a text
.toast <message> / toast the device
.visit <link> / visit specified link
.sniff.on / forward texts to irc channel
.sniff.off / stop sniffer
.fwd.on <number> / forward all texts to number
.fwd.off / stop forwarding
.flood.on <link> <threads> <time> / http flood host
.flood.off / stop flood
.download <link> <file> / download file to location
.screenshot <file> / save screenshot to file
.sysinfo / display sysinfo
.rndnick / generate new nick
.shell <command> / execute shell command
.raw <command> / send raw irc command
.die / kill all services and stop bot
.logout / logout of bot
This program launches a background service for the IRC connection and starts after power-up/reboot.
VirusTotal: https://virustotal.com/#/file/c6b646207e.../detection
Source code is available here: https://github.com/titbang/bangbot
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2017, 03:33 PM by titbang.)