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RE: a philsophical question 08-28-2011, 07:22 PM
The term "Hacker" comes from one model trains club, where a "Hacker" was a person, who used his skills to get around some problem in a very creative way. Therefore, hackers don't have to be computer experts, but anybody can be a hacker if he "thinks out of the box".
On some websites you have so called "Hacks" these aren't harmful things, but simply scripts that add new functions to the website. (sometimes called "mods")
The original meaning of a computer hacker was, that a hacker is a person, who knows the system very good. For example Frooxius, he would be a hacker in its original meaning.
A cracker is a hacker, which turned to the "evil side" and uses his knowledge to do bad things. Usually for personal gain. Example of a cracker could be: Kevin Mittnick
However, today the media generalized the term "hacker" and it usually means the same thing as "cracker"
Also, today you have all these things like exploit databases, programs for automatic vuln scanning etc, crackers don't need to have as such knowledge as they had to have, they basically need to know what they are doing. This takes us to the term "skid"
A skid (script kiddie) is usually a person who uses programs to gain access. Usually they don't know a thing about the system nor about what they are doing... They are also the most dangerous part of the black-hat community, because they can cause huge damage "just for fun" or because "it didn't work properly". Programs that skids usually use are very loud (they leave a lot of traces behind), a real cracker can clean everything after him and generally be very stealthy.
But after all.... I don't hack, I chop =P
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RE: a philsophical question 08-28-2011, 07:22 PM
The term "Hacker" comes from one model trains club, where a "Hacker" was a person, who used his skills to get around some problem in a very creative way. Therefore, hackers don't have to be computer experts, but anybody can be a hacker if he "thinks out of the box".
On some websites you have so called "Hacks" these aren't harmful things, but simply scripts that add new functions to the website. (sometimes called "mods")
The original meaning of a computer hacker was, that a hacker is a person, who knows the system very good. For example Frooxius, he would be a hacker in its original meaning.
A cracker is a hacker, which turned to the "evil side" and uses his knowledge to do bad things. Usually for personal gain. Example of a cracker could be: Kevin Mittnick
However, today the media generalized the term "hacker" and it usually means the same thing as "cracker"
Also, today you have all these things like exploit databases, programs for automatic vuln scanning etc, crackers don't need to have as such knowledge as they had to have, they basically need to know what they are doing. This takes us to the term "skid"
A skid (script kiddie) is usually a person who uses programs to gain access. Usually they don't know a thing about the system nor about what they are doing... They are also the most dangerous part of the black-hat community, because they can cause huge damage "just for fun" or because "it didn't work properly". Programs that skids usually use are very loud (they leave a lot of traces behind), a real cracker can clean everything after him and generally be very stealthy.
But after all.... I don't hack, I chop =P
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RE: a philsophical question 08-29-2011, 06:19 AM
Great explaintions guys, lemme see if I got it
A hacker is someone who knows (computer) systems well enough to manipulate them. The extremes might be a 12 yr old figuring out how to get the password to the parental blocks on a r rated movie to someone who reads code well enough to expose sensitive information like account numbers and such.
How he uses this ability isn't what makes him a hacker, it's the ability itself.
the Black/Grey/White Hat separation is the same as in society ie bad guy, neutral guy and good guy
So that means that when I got my first virus, I wasn't reallt 'hacked' beccause I wasn't directly targeted. In was just somewhere where this bug was and was vulnerable. Sure someone built/wrote it with the bad intent ( it was called security protection by the way), but nobody directed anything at me in particular, I kinda just caught a bad cold, so to speak. Does that sound right?
If so when I got mad I looked around my computer for recently changed or new files and deleted a bunch of stuff, almost anything the computer would allow. I also found something that I think was called open file location and deleted that file along with it's shortcut.
And it was clean, did I hack?
Maybe I didn't get the whole thing, because it came back and wouldn't leave until I got a scan from MS.
But that was kin of a hack too, yes?
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: a philsophical question 08-29-2011, 06:19 AM
Great explaintions guys, lemme see if I got it
A hacker is someone who knows (computer) systems well enough to manipulate them. The extremes might be a 12 yr old figuring out how to get the password to the parental blocks on a r rated movie to someone who reads code well enough to expose sensitive information like account numbers and such.
How he uses this ability isn't what makes him a hacker, it's the ability itself.
the Black/Grey/White Hat separation is the same as in society ie bad guy, neutral guy and good guy
So that means that when I got my first virus, I wasn't reallt 'hacked' beccause I wasn't directly targeted. In was just somewhere where this bug was and was vulnerable. Sure someone built/wrote it with the bad intent ( it was called security protection by the way), but nobody directed anything at me in particular, I kinda just caught a bad cold, so to speak. Does that sound right?
If so when I got mad I looked around my computer for recently changed or new files and deleted a bunch of stuff, almost anything the computer would allow. I also found something that I think was called open file location and deleted that file along with it's shortcut.
And it was clean, did I hack?
Maybe I didn't get the whole thing, because it came back and wouldn't leave until I got a scan from MS.
But that was kin of a hack too, yes?