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Why did you start hacking? 04-19-2014, 05:17 PM
Legally, illegally, I dont really care.
What drove you to the technical side?
Why did you continue doing it, and why haven't you stopped?
How long did you spend your time getting to the skill level you're at right now?
Do you see yourself doing this as a career if not already, and do you see yourself doing it for a majority of your life?
If someone told you that they wanted to start hacking, what would you tell them?
If all you do is RAT and DDoS, then I don't want to hear your opinion.
Unleash the lead from my pistol into my head bumpin' crystal
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RE: Why did you start hacking? 04-19-2014, 06:17 PM
Honestly what got me into hacking was the first time I ever got rat'd by "ProRat" back in the day (talking 8/9 years ago).
Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Why did you start hacking? 04-19-2014, 06:43 PM
I started hacking when I came out the womb, pulled a laptop out with me and leaked the cia's database and compromised all of nasa's computers.
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: Why did you start hacking? 04-19-2014, 07:33 PM
I'm really interested to hear @Starfall and @KMS posts.
Also, what got me into this stuff, even though im fucking awful at it. Was Anonymous, then i realized they were fucking retarded(at least most of them) and joined SL, and got tutored by Breshie and Charon.
Wavy baby
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RE: Why did you start hacking? 04-19-2014, 07:47 PM
Back about 4/5 years ago I met a guy on Xbox who coded his own malware and the power of a dosnet drew me to the dark side. Something about having the power to knock little kids offline who pissed me off was amazing. This is talking a lot of years back, before the 2010 boom. Well I went from there really. I got out of the Xbox scene and started learning various web vulnerabilities. Started off with Havij, then learned it manually (union based only manual) and moved onto SQL map. Then just kept building in it over the years. I'm still shit compared to what I want to be like, but real life situations are getting the better of me and I just have no time for hacking anymore. I do eventually want to possibly take myself into a security career, but I have a lot to do before I can think about that.
To answer why o haveny stopped yet; I have many times over the years, but something always brings me back. I can't stay a away.
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: Why did you start hacking? 04-19-2014, 09:49 PM
It's been so long I don't remember, sorry.
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