Six Years of Service
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RE: What VPN should I USE? 09-19-2018, 11:26 PM
Sorry for grave digging, but I now use paid NordVPN and it works wonders. Tried cyberghost and it's horrible,hotspot shield is slow af.
I also tried tunnel bear and HMA and both seem to do the work. Heard ExpressVPN is worth a shot too.
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Six Years of Service
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Points: 164NSP
RE: What VPN should I USE? 09-21-2018, 04:28 AM
PIA - Private Internet Access with filters by the clock in Windows and a browser add-on.
So you're double protected every time you open a browser.
6.95US a month, but worth every single penny
Six Years of Service
Posts: 22
Threads: 2
Points: 16NSP
RE: What VPN should I USE? 10-18-2018, 09:31 PM
Id reccomend tor, OBFS4 bridge, and add this to tor cc
ExcludeNode {us},{uk},{ca},{de},{fr},{il}
StrictNodes 1