What "Grinds my Gears" 12-22-2012, 02:21 AM
Okay, I felt like ranting a little, therefor I am. My list is as follows:
- People who complain about the stupidity of others, take a look in the mirror friend.
- When you got to a download page and all you see are the downloads for crappy freeware instead of what you want to download. I know they have to make money, but come on, don't try to trick me into downloading it.
- People who just can't listen to orders. If somebody asks you to do something, then do it.
- People who compare themselves to you. For example, say your in the gym and a body builder walks up and makes fun of you for benching 125, and says you aren't working hard enough. Fuck off buddy.
- People who use FileIce. That damn site cheats me very fricken time.
- The people who will read this and say stop complaining. If you don't care don't read.
- People who whine about not being able to do something, without even trying.
- I hate when companies bundle their software with freeware. I was trying to download HWMonitor and accidentally downloaded some toolbar with it last night.
--The Anarchist
- When black people act a certain way because it's the stereotype. (Keep in mind I'm perfectly fine with blacks, just not when they're like this.)
- I fucking hate getting cut off in traffic. Use your damn blinker jackass!
- People who chew with their mouth open...like really? Come on! We are respectable people...not COWS!