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|Very basic|How to create a Logo filter_list
|Very basic|How to create a Logo #1
Hey guys this is just a little tutorial I put together showing you how to make a little logo using the shape tool
1. Size
Size is important for a logo, I normally chose something like 600x600 pixels when making a logo.

2. Creating
This is only a basic tutorial so to create your logo you just need to play around with the shape tools. What you could do is create a circle, then select a color after that go into the blending options and select gradient overlay, then turn the opacity down to 30% or lower.

Then you could create another circle inside the one you created. Then change the fill to nothing by choosing this option:

Now we Select stroke and select black. You should get something like this:

After that you want to select stroke options and change that to which ever one you want (I chose the rectangular one)

Now go play around in the blending options to create the effect you want. I chose the drop shadow

End Result: http://prntscr.com/14aa2s

Now you want to add some text into the middle of the circle, I will just put Poi in there for this tutorial. Change the color and font to what you want.
Then you are finished with this tutorial!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Press LIKE for more tuts...
Cheers Poi


RE: |Very basic|How to create a Logo #2
The only think I could recommend you to do is to use Adobe Illustrator instead of Photoshop when creating logos. As Illustrator uses Vectors instead of pixels, thus you can resize your logo to any size you want without losing quality. Nice tutorial non-the-less!


RE: |Very basic|How to create a Logo #3
Pretty nice tutorial, thanks for this bud!
[Image: Ldss8XF.png]


RE: |Very basic|How to create a Logo #4
Thanks for the tutorial. Hopefully it helps some beginners in the future Smile
[Image: iZoEJUAF3Oqn2.png]
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RE: |Very basic|How to create a Logo #5
Thanks for this Mafia, I'm still a design newb tho Sad
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