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Tutorial jRAT Fudding Tutorial * Updated * Video * Pics * filter_list
jRAT Fudding Tutorial * Updated * Video * Pics * #1
Hey All,

I'm Back Again With Another Installment Of How To FUD jRAT.
I am not responsible for anything you do with the information being given to you.

So first here's the video, the link to Jar2Exe is in the description on the Video.

Fudding With Jar2Exe *Tutorial*

[Image: IEW08sp.jpg]

Select Your .jar File

[Image: IcN198j.jpg]

Select Windows GUI Application As This Remains Hidden When Executed.

[Image: AlkWK5K.jpg]

Leave This As It Is.

[Image: tehKTsc.jpg]

Tick Hide Classes (Not Encrypt & Hide Classes *This is not FUD*)

[Image: q9w9hoJ.jpg]

Leave It Alone.

[Image: XTyZNCh.jpg]

Now Save Your New FUD Server and Have Fun!

*NOTICE: Do Not Tick Melt Server Whilst Picking The Location To Drop The File As This Will Not Work, Also If Your Having Problems With This Method Not Fudding Your Server Run ccleaner as this seems to fix the Problem.


RE: jRAT Fudding Tutorial * Updated * Video * Pics * #2
Good tutorial, never used jRAT but it looks pretty good.

Keep it up! Smile
[Image: bAMEI93.jpg]

Jabber: charon@exploit.im


RE: jRAT Fudding Tutorial * Updated * Video * Pics * #3
The tutorial is nice, it looks very easy to follow.

Just incase someone does not know, jrat is in beta so if you use it you may lose slaves.


RE: jRAT Fudding Tutorial * Updated * Video * Pics * #4
This has nothing to do with "FUDDING" at all... "Fudding" Is making your rat "Fully Undetectable", hence using a crypter.
In this tutorial, all your simply doing is changing the jar extension to an exe...
Love gives birth to sacrifice, which brings forth hatred, that lets you know pain.


RE: jRAT Fudding Tutorial * Updated * Video * Pics * #5
Mine says Java runtime environment not found...


RE: jRAT Fudding Tutorial * Updated * Video * Pics * #6
Very nice tutorial.

I also like how you put a video with it.

Only other person that I know that puts videos in his tutorials is Kirito.
[Image: tenor.gif]

🍫  🍬 🎀


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