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Tutorial Learn How To Make Your Own Anonymous Email Service filter_list
Learn How To Make Your Own Anonymous Email Service #1
Learn How To Make Your Own Anonymous Email Service

Do you want to send an email anonymously because, for example, you fear your views might not be appreciated by your boss? When avouching your opinion in public — critically important under more favorable circumstances — is unhealthy, anonymity becomes vital. Here i will show you how to setup your own anonymous email service. I am writing this post because there are some things that must be said, even when the speaker must remain anonymous. Lets start:

1. First of all you need to find a free hosting service that supports PHP and SendMail. Here is one that works perfect, and without ads: x10hosting.com. Create an account there.

2. Now open notepad and paste this PHP code

PHP Code:
© NOmeR1 
<title>Sender Anonym Email :: FLoodeR :: SpameR</title> 
error_reporting (0); 
if(!set_time_limit(0)) { 
$limit = false; 
} else { 
$limit = true; 

$log = 'log.txt'; // Log file 

ini_set('max_execution_time', '0'); 

set_time_limit(0) = <?if($limit)echo('<font color=Green>On</font>');else 
echo('<font color=Red>Off</font> (Working time is limited with the current settings of the server)');?><br> 

$ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); 
if($_GET['mail'] == '1' || $_GET['mail'] == '2' || $_GET['mail'] == '3') 

$_POST['to'] = stripslashes($_POST['to']); 
$_POST['msg'] = stripslashes($_POST['msg']); 
$_POST['from'] = stripslashes($_POST['from']); 
$_POST['subject'] = stripslashes($_POST['subject']); 

if($_POST['to'] && $_POST['msg'] && $_POST['from'] && $_POST['tipe']) 

$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; 
$headers .= "Content-type: text/".$_POST['tipe']."; charset=windows-1251\r\n"; 
$headers .= "From: ".$_POST['from']."\n"; 
if($_GET['mail'] == '1') 

mail($_POST['to'], $_POST['subject'], $_POST['msg'], $headers) or die('Cannot send the message'); 

elseif($_GET['mail'] == '2') 

$_POST['to'] = explode("\n",$_POST['to']); 
foreach($_POST['to'] as $poluchatels) 

mail($poluchatels, $_POST['subject'], $_POST['msg'], $headers) or die('Cannot send the message'); 

elseif($_GET['mail'] == '3') 



mail($_POST['to'], $_POST['subject'], $_POST['msg'], $headers) or die('Cannot send the message'); 


echo('Incorrect (or not entered) number of messages'); 

$f = fopen($log,'a'); 
fwrite($f,'Message sent &'.$_POST['msg'].'& with subject "'.$_POST['subject'].'" for "'.$_POST['to'].'" from IP - "'.$ip."\"\r\n"); 
echo('<center><b><font color="green">Message succesfully sent</font></b></center>'); 


<form style="width:350px" method='post'> 
if($_GET['mail'] == '1' || $_GET['mail'] == '3') 

echo("Receiver &nbsp;<input type='text'name='to'><br>"); 

Sender <input type='text' name='from'><br> 
Subject &nbsp;<input type='text' name='subject'><br> 
if($_GET['mail'] == '3') 

echo("Amount of messages <input type='text' name='kol'><br>"); 

htm -> <input type='radio' checked='checked' tabindex='1' name='tipe' value='html'> :: <input type='radio' name='tipe' value='plain'><- text<br> 
if($_GET['mail'] == '2') 

echo("Receivers<br><textarea name='to' rows='10' cols='30'>admin@fbi.org 

<textarea name='msg' rows='10' cols='30'></textarea><br><br><input type='submit'> 

} else { 
<a href='<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?mail=1'>Send simple message</a><br> 
<a href='<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?mail=2'>Spam</a><br> 
<a href='<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?mail=3'>Flood</a><br> 

3. Save it everywhere u want as mail.php, then upload it in your host you created (x10hosting) via FTP.

4. Now we are done. Just go at yourname.x10hosting.com/mail.php, and start sending your fake emails.

Why sending anonymous emails is important:

* Anonymously report sensitive information to the media
* Send crime tips to law enforcement agencies anonymously
* Report wrongdoing or theft at the workplace
* Voice concerns to school principals anonymously
* Report child or any other abuse
* Initiate an anonymous chat discussion
* Share suspicions regarding a friend or loved one


RE: Learn How To Make Your Own Anonymous Email Service #2
Thank you for this man Smile Did you write the code?
[Image: daemonsic1.png]


RE: Learn How To Make Your Own Anonymous Email Service #3
No, it was written already, the code has a comment on the top with the copyright sign. If I wrote my own it would be the same, but credits go to him for the code.


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