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[TuT] Monetizing with CPA filter_list
[TuT] Monetizing with CPA #1
Hi HC community

This tut is part of tutorial that i'll complete in the following week
Intended to : People that don't know a thing bout CPA


What is CPA?

Cost Per Action or CPA (sometimes known as Pay Per Action or PPA) is an online advertising pricing model, where the advertiser pays for each specified action (a purchase, a form submission, and so on) linked to the advertisement.
Direct response advertisers consider CPA the optimal way to buy online advertising, as an advertiser only pays for the ad when the desired action has occurred. An action can be a product being purchased, a form being filled, etc. The desired action to be performed is determined by the advertiser.
The CPA can be determined by different factors, depending where the online advertising inventory is being purchased.
source : wikipedia

Who is eligible to make money with CPA?
Anyone can make money with CPA either international individual or US resident. You can also apply as a company for CPA publisher if you prefer to pay a hefty tax. Some CPA network require you to be above 18 years old but some of them don't even ask how old you are.

What earning can I expect when pushing offer through CPA?

Depends on how you push your offer, a normal affiliate makes about 10 buck per day up to several hundred dollar per day. A super affiliate bank about 10k to unknown per day. I personally meet several super affiliate that bank such amount on daily basis so it is not something that are rare in the CPA industry.

What do I need to apply for CPA account?

  1. Website and hosting (optional but i reckon please have one. check attached pdf to get the very best of hosting deal below)
  2. Programming Skill (basic HTML but programming skill do help a lot to get thing setup faster)
  3. IQ of 200 (if you want to make space shuttle or International Space Station. as long as you have IQ higher than Britney Spear it should be fine) click here to test your IQ<- this is CPA offer!
  4. Internet Connection (this is the playground, so please have a good internet connection)
  5. Common sense (totally required)
  6. $1000 to spend (you have to outsource somehow cos there are no such person that can do EVERYTHING on his/her own)
What affiliate of CPA network have do to get money?
In order to earn, an affiliate must push the offer to a user(client) and make them fill the offer form. Each conversion count. More user fill in the form, more earning you'll get. The payout for each offer are different. Offer like email and ZIP submit pays as low as 1 buck while auto insurance form may pay up to 30 bucks.
As this forum seem very familiar with sharecash, I'll use sharecash as an example. To download, a unregistered user will have to fill in all the form to unlock the content. For every email submit offer that a user submit, the affiliates will earn around a buck. and yo guys are paid 80 cent while the affiliate earn up to 10 buck for each download (in order to unlock the download, a unregistered user need to fill multiple offer)

CPA Network

In order to earn money, one must register with network to get the ads code and receive payment from them.

How do i get paid

You'll get paid via paypal or wire. Each network have different method to pay their affiliates

What are the payment terms

Same as payment method. It differs. I prefer to work with network that pay by weekly. I tend not to work with network that pay on net-30 basis.

What are a good network that I reckon?

(i'll write this later)

How can I apply to be an affiliate?

Via link that I provide above

Is it hard to be a publisher/affiliate

It is easier if you know what are you doing and you are honest with your interviewer (yes they will call and email your in order to process your application)

What are the common question that i'll have to answer?

the emails are pretty standard for any network
Quote:Thanks for signing up! I’d like to get a little more information on how you promote. Are you available for a call this week?
  • How do you promote campaigns?
  • What type of campaigns are you looking for?
  • What other Networks are you currently working with?
  • How long have you been doing affiliate marketing?
  • What offers are your top money makers at the moment and/or the types of offers you promote?

and sometime there will be extra questions in order for Affiliate manager to know you better. I can give you the answer but it is not wise to do so. Affiliate Managers works with a lot of affiliate (from super to a newbie), so they know if you are lying or talking bullshit. Remember, an honest newbie is more valuable than dishonest experienced marketer.

Anything else should i know?

Of course. There are like thousands of thing you can learn and specialize in internet marketing but no one will learn everything. Specialize on one thing and expand your skill when you have master one. So start learning or you can ask here.
There are several marketer in here (inculding me) that willing to help you on this.

For SEO study File name: Google Domination Method.pdf File size: 7.59 MB
Hosting that are save you around 50% File name: cheap justhost.com deal.pdf File size: 3.81 MB


[TuT] Monetizing with CPA #2
Hi HC community

This tut is part of tutorial that i'll complete in the following week
Intended to : People that don't know a thing bout CPA


What is CPA?

Cost Per Action or CPA (sometimes known as Pay Per Action or PPA) is an online advertising pricing model, where the advertiser pays for each specified action (a purchase, a form submission, and so on) linked to the advertisement.
Direct response advertisers consider CPA the optimal way to buy online advertising, as an advertiser only pays for the ad when the desired action has occurred. An action can be a product being purchased, a form being filled, etc. The desired action to be performed is determined by the advertiser.
The CPA can be determined by different factors, depending where the online advertising inventory is being purchased.
source : wikipedia

Who is eligible to make money with CPA?
Anyone can make money with CPA either international individual or US resident. You can also apply as a company for CPA publisher if you prefer to pay a hefty tax. Some CPA network require you to be above 18 years old but some of them don't even ask how old you are.

What earning can I expect when pushing offer through CPA?

Depends on how you push your offer, a normal affiliate makes about 10 buck per day up to several hundred dollar per day. A super affiliate bank about 10k to unknown per day. I personally meet several super affiliate that bank such amount on daily basis so it is not something that are rare in the CPA industry.

What do I need to apply for CPA account?

  1. Website and hosting (optional but i reckon please have one. check attached pdf to get the very best of hosting deal below)
  2. Programming Skill (basic HTML but programming skill do help a lot to get thing setup faster)
  3. IQ of 200 (if you want to make space shuttle or International Space Station. as long as you have IQ higher than Britney Spear it should be fine) click here to test your IQ<- this is CPA offer!
  4. Internet Connection (this is the playground, so please have a good internet connection)
  5. Common sense (totally required)
  6. $1000 to spend (you have to outsource somehow cos there are no such person that can do EVERYTHING on his/her own)
What affiliate of CPA network have do to get money?
In order to earn, an affiliate must push the offer to a user(client) and make them fill the offer form. Each conversion count. More user fill in the form, more earning you'll get. The payout for each offer are different. Offer like email and ZIP submit pays as low as 1 buck while auto insurance form may pay up to 30 bucks.
As this forum seem very familiar with sharecash, I'll use sharecash as an example. To download, a unregistered user will have to fill in all the form to unlock the content. For every email submit offer that a user submit, the affiliates will earn around a buck. and yo guys are paid 80 cent while the affiliate earn up to 10 buck for each download (in order to unlock the download, a unregistered user need to fill multiple offer)

CPA Network

In order to earn money, one must register with network to get the ads code and receive payment from them.

How do i get paid

You'll get paid via paypal or wire. Each network have different method to pay their affiliates

What are the payment terms

Same as payment method. It differs. I prefer to work with network that pay by weekly. I tend not to work with network that pay on net-30 basis.

What are a good network that I reckon?

(i'll write this later)

How can I apply to be an affiliate?

Via link that I provide above

Is it hard to be a publisher/affiliate

It is easier if you know what are you doing and you are honest with your interviewer (yes they will call and email your in order to process your application)

What are the common question that i'll have to answer?

the emails are pretty standard for any network
Quote:Thanks for signing up! I’d like to get a little more information on how you promote. Are you available for a call this week?
  • How do you promote campaigns?
  • What type of campaigns are you looking for?
  • What other Networks are you currently working with?
  • How long have you been doing affiliate marketing?
  • What offers are your top money makers at the moment and/or the types of offers you promote?

and sometime there will be extra questions in order for Affiliate manager to know you better. I can give you the answer but it is not wise to do so. Affiliate Managers works with a lot of affiliate (from super to a newbie), so they know if you are lying or talking bullshit. Remember, an honest newbie is more valuable than dishonest experienced marketer.

Anything else should i know?

Of course. There are like thousands of thing you can learn and specialize in internet marketing but no one will learn everything. Specialize on one thing and expand your skill when you have master one. So start learning or you can ask here.
There are several marketer in here (inculding me) that willing to help you on this.

For SEO study File name: Google Domination Method.pdf File size: 7.59 MB
Hosting that are save you around 50% File name: cheap justhost.com deal.pdf File size: 3.81 MB


RE: [TuT] Monetizing with CPA #3
just leave your question here sage. I'll try to answer it..


RE: [TuT] Monetizing with CPA #4
just leave your question here sage. I'll try to answer it..


RE: [TuT] Monetizing with CPA #5
I've tried CPA, and it's really tough to earn something without investing.
Great Tutorial. Smile
[Image: rytwG00.png]
Redcat Revolution!


RE: [TuT] Monetizing with CPA #6
I've tried CPA, and it's really tough to earn something without investing.
Great Tutorial. Smile
[Image: rytwG00.png]
Redcat Revolution!


RE: [TuT] Monetizing with CPA #7
yeah.. most of the investment is used to test campaign
Depending on which channel you are targeting your traffic, the investment may differs.

While some prefer to build a website to put-up banner and do shitload of SEO to gain first page, there are individuals that prefer to buy pop-ups instead. SEO is a time consuming and require a person to understand SEO. SEO is not rocket science but due to hype by Internet Marketer gurus, myth and fact got mixed up leaving SEO newbie clueless about search engine.

here are one good material to read bout SEO

File name: Google Domination Method.pdf File size: 7.59 MB

I don't build website bcos personally I'm don't think having a website will pocket me more cash. There are several other way that one can earn faster without website.

if anyone who still want to have a website and hosting i found good way to get the best value out of hosting
here is the guide

File name: cheap justhost.com deal.pdf File size: 3.81 MB

1st post updated.


RE: [TuT] Monetizing with CPA #8
yeah.. most of the investment is used to test campaign
Depending on which channel you are targeting your traffic, the investment may differs.

While some prefer to build a website to put-up banner and do shitload of SEO to gain first page, there are individuals that prefer to buy pop-ups instead. SEO is a time consuming and require a person to understand SEO. SEO is not rocket science but due to hype by Internet Marketer gurus, myth and fact got mixed up leaving SEO newbie clueless about search engine.

here are one good material to read bout SEO

File name: Google Domination Method.pdf File size: 7.59 MB

I don't build website bcos personally I'm don't think having a website will pocket me more cash. There are several other way that one can earn faster without website.

if anyone who still want to have a website and hosting i found good way to get the best value out of hosting
here is the guide

File name: cheap justhost.com deal.pdf File size: 3.81 MB

1st post updated.


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