The needs of one, the needs of a few, the needs of many. 06-15-2013, 03:16 PM
You have three choices.
Option #1 The needs of one
You will receive a lump sum of $1,000,000,000, the deeds to 2 major, world renowned buisnessess and a potion that will allow you to delay old age for 200 years.
The costs
You can never fall in love and have a family, nor can you have any friends. You are hated by almost the entire population of the world and nothing you can do will change that. Your money cannot be donated to charity, or be used to do anything aside from increase the quality of your personal life.
Option #2 The needs of a few
You have a wife (or husband, depending on your sexuality and or sex) and 1 child of your chosen gender. You have a good, predictable income on both halves of the relationship, totaling around $200,000 USD a year.
The costs
Outside of your family, you have no friends and are considered a 'shady' figure by the community. In this world, diseases are more advanced, and the entire third world is a mess of war and plauge. The US and UK are safe havens, however you must spend every day knowing that there are billions of people in extreme plague and war. Your child will be bullied throughout his entire childhood, and will be left alone, friendless as an adult.
Option #3 The needs of many
The world is completely at peace. Every disease, infection, plauge etc. known to man has been cured. Governments are friendly with each other, and there is no war. Science has found methods to re produce resources found in the earth, with no harmful effects on the enviroment. Energy is clean, green and efficient.
The costs
You live alone. Although the world is at peace, you have found yourself to be an outcast of society. You hunt your food, and have little or no human interaction from the age of 18. Electricity and gas are not available to you out in the remote location you live in. Your life will not benefit from the peace of the 'new world'.
Make your choice.