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Tech Companies “Must” Put Backdoors In Encryption, Demands US Attorney General filter_list
Tech Companies “Must” Put Backdoors In Encryption, Demands US Attorney General #1
Quote:Encryption has always irked law enforcement agencies and now William Barr, the US General Attorney, has launched a fresh attack against consumer encryption. He says that tech companies must co-operate with government institutions in bypassing encryption deployed in messages during critical cases.

Encryption is ubiquitous as most tech companies including WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Apple use it to protect the privacy of its users. Government agencies have always blamed encryption acts as a roadblock in investigating serial criminals.

Speaking onstage during the International Conference on Cybersecurity in New York, Mr. Barr said encryption is a threat to public safety and national security.

Link: https://fossbytes.com/us-attorney-genera...ncryption/


RE: Tech Companies “Must” Put Backdoors In Encryption, Demands US Attorney General #2
Wow, the IoT has been taking a bit of a hit recently. BitCoin, many others, and now this. If companies are going to have to add a backdoor to their encryption, there's no doubt it'll get exploited in the future.


RE: Tech Companies “Must” Put Backdoors In Encryption, Demands US Attorney General #3
Quote:Nor are we necessarily talking about the customized encryption used by large business enterprises to protect their operations.
What in the bloody hell is he talking about? No company uses "customized encryption", the implementation of encryption standards, processes, and techniques vary but AES is AES everywhere. The same goes for ECC and RSA.
He also talks about not compromising businesses but everybody knows that's pure bullshit because everybody buys commercial products of the shelf. They don't buy specialty phones for their employees.

Another interesting thing is:
Quote:If you're not the military nor in big business, you'll just have to suck it up, and use that backdoored encryption system for your personal communication and commercial dealings, Barr argued.
Why is it interesting? Well because apparently big business should get some form of "privacy rights" but if you're a small business you just have to suck it all up. I'm speechless..

Ransomware is more about manipulating vulnerabilities in human psychology than the adversary’s technological sophistication.

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RE: Tech Companies “Must” Put Backdoors In Encryption, Demands US Attorney General #4
Im laughing my ass off... because Everyone I know or have talked to about this shit said I was crazy for even thinking this ... but here it is. This isnt a surprise to me in fact its predictable. Apparently all of you coders and programmers and geniuses with degrees and all that shit, 6 - 7 figre incomes, are stupid as fuck after all huh. You dont listen... and there isnt much we can do to help ya or ourselves now. and THAT is why I acted with such emotion. No one seems to understand. I refuse to help ya now. If you think, you are gonna meet ET and have cool tech and flying cars in 50 years, or 100 years, you better think again.

This is just the beginning. Life is going to get much more "interesting" for you FREE people out there lmao

freedom... haha ...

if you have YET to discern the INTENTION of your NEW WORLD ORDER - and yea you can thank George Bush Sr... and many others, then I suggest you remove your tin foil hats and your anti tin foil hats... and turn on that brain GOD gave ya. Look at history. where have things come from?

CONTROL is what they need. TRUTH is the ultimate threat to CONTROL, What you believe, is the instrument to control...

Whoever created said belief, is the master when those who believe do as they believe.

This is why I do not believe.

Seek to understand instead. This allows you to remove illusion and focus on facts, actual events that happened: factual analysis of events.

American society is in dire trouble, our economy and institutions are under threat from even our own forces... This is the lead foot that stomped Rome to the ground. Internal corruption and tyranny. This is why I am prepared. This is why I train every day, and this is why I, pay attention.

Corruption cannot allow truth, or freedom, or integrity to get in the way of agenda. Look where Assange is. Whether you believe him or not, he has stated facts, and those facts hurt the institutions that lie to the world.

This kid on this video game I play here and there, I tried to explain how TOR isnt safe like its made out to be right? so he is committing crimes using TOR - and believes the Gov cannot trace him, cant decipher his message, etc... and I laugh because THERE ARE ALREADY EXAMPLES of criminals sitting in prison right now, for doing this. EVEN THE MILITARY admitted it can trace TOR... I just dont understand why people are so fucking stupid.


Ur all fucked... if you got comfortable thinking technology, AI, will help the Human species... at least, immature humans that is. We are destroying our planet for money and that is just paper with ink on it... so think about this for a moment. Humans kill trees, the thing that created the oxygen they NEED to breath, to make paper to wipe their ass, make money, etc... wars for profits, starving for profit, where do you see anything about human health or planet health? where are human putting back to the planet?

This is basically paralleled by one of the laws of energy conservation. Energy tends to flow in one direction. From highers states of energy to lower states of energy. and that is it.

Ive already said its to late, even if its not, I dont see us making anything right. only worse. maybe you see things differently, hopefully I am wrong. but ultimately, look where we came from, to discern where we are going. we are still slaves, we are still starving, and we are still stuck here under a microscope of control and lies . a matrix of false reality only to gain from our suffering.

Why I ask, are the people so false? why are you all so conformed? why do you not feel your own heart beat? and know that THAT is what gives you guidance and law... Humans have long forgot their past, we have forgot what we have forgotten. and only those who are aware are seeking for the truth, where EVER it may lead. Courage is the merely the will to remove dissonance. how courageous are you? or do you not care that billions of humans and animals are all suffering for the pleasure exploited by a few wealthy assholes?

shit, the fact that we as, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, refuse to EVOLVE or even have a REVOLUTION says it all. you are stuck, slaves, tied down, scared and cowards. you enjoy the pizza, cartoons, the cars and tech, all the things that give you SOMe joy in the moment but ultimately cause some longing or hardship later for the whole. You cant save yourselves, so you will never save each other.

Ive only sough to encourage you, to realize your place of truth in the soul. but you like the material more. so accept it. or it will only be that much more troubling to endure. if you dont mind your government will kill anyone who says the truth, sides for the truth. then I ask what do you mind?

THE US is an empire. We did not defeat the racist nazi scared white men idolize... and it has taken control in ways you and I do not see day to day. behind the scenes of your government lies a hidden cloak of men behind a white sheet. and even more of a threat than a bunch of scared men, is fear itself...

so I ask you, look at your daughter, your son, your wife or husband. ask yourself what is ultimately important for you, and for them? and what would you give to ensure they deserve that future? do you not deserve the best?


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