RE: SiriusForums unsafe? 05-05-2016, 09:57 PM
We have a rapist
on the forums
We have a rapist
on the forums
Whoop Whoop?
SiriusForums unsafe? filter_list | |
(05-05-2016, 09:51 PM)Migo Wrote: As far as I know some BlazingFast servers are detected as spam by Google and lot's of other services. That could be why you're hitting a security page.
I never got that page.. I hope Sirius gets defaced.
(05-05-2016, 10:44 PM)Skryptec Wrote: It got hacked multiple times, once everything got changed to a fapping Pepe meme and then a redirect to a screamer.
@OP, blijf toch lekker bij en ga weg bij SiriusForum, hier is 't veilig en daar niet...
Of ga daar naartoe en riskeer je persoonlijke informatie (Email, wachtwoord etc)
Translation: Just stay here at Sinister ly and go away from SiriusForum, it is safe here and it is not there.
Ir just go there and risk your personal information (Email, password etc.)
(05-05-2016, 10:45 PM)Redsin Wrote: I've been around that site for a bit now. This error is common towards sites which does not have SSL but the old domain did. It's safe to visit.
(05-05-2016, 10:57 PM)Skryptec Wrote: But then it gets hacked once again and the database and everything gets leaked once again for like the 4th time already.
(05-05-2016, 10:58 PM)Redsin Wrote: You are stupid, young sir. How is that comment any way related to what I said? I stated that this error occurs on links with a HTTPS on a site which does not have SSL activated. It's nowhere related to how many times a site has been hacked nor is it my concern.
(05-05-2016, 10:59 PM)Hero Wrote: Did you got paid by Sirius to say that.
>Sirius is legit.
(05-05-2016, 11:02 PM)Redsin Wrote: Once again, a stupid comment. This is common sense and I am referring to any website in general. If this website had no SSL and you visited the site with a HTTPS link, you would get such error.
How ignorant are you both?