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RSS_BOT Skype Illegally handed over alleged Paypal & Mastercard Anonymous Hacker filter_list
RSS_BOT Skype Illegally handed over alleged Paypal & Mastercard Anonymous Hacker #1
Skype Illegally handed over alleged Paypal & Mastercard Anonymous Hacker

Dutch media report Skype has Illegally (without court order) distributed a 16 years old user's personal information including user name, real name, email addresses and the home address used for payment to a private company consistently a police investigation into Anonymous-sanctioned cyber attacks on PayPal. <!-- adsense -->In 2011 most of the online payment solution companies blocked donations

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RE: RSS_BOT Skype Illegally handed over alleged Paypal & Mastercard Anonymous Hacker #2
Oh wow im surprised. Wonder what their plans were..
[Image: nzf8C.png]


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