RSS_BOT HackerProof : Your Guide To PC Security 10-14-2012, 09:10 PM
HackerProof : Your Guide To PC Security
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With over 140,000 known computer viruses and 85,000,000 spam emails sent out each day, the likelihood of your PC coming into contact with malware such as viruses, worms, and spyware is almost guaranteed.
It is very important to secure your computer just like you would secure your house or car. Your computer can be completely taken over without your permission or knowledge if it
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With over 140,000 known computer viruses and 85,000,000 spam emails sent out each day, the likelihood of your PC coming into contact with malware such as viruses, worms, and spyware is almost guaranteed.
It is very important to secure your computer just like you would secure your house or car. Your computer can be completely taken over without your permission or knowledge if it
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We know everything about you anyway.
We know everything about you anyway.