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North Korea threatens U.S. filter_list
North Korea threatens U.S. #1

Read it here

(04-16-2013, 03:04 PM)Linuxephus Wrote: The explosives used for the two IED's consisted of Black Powder (you read that correctly, old fashioned black [gun] powder) and Ball Bearings, two to be very precise. Immediate and directly source based Intel., which is classified as a home grown terrorist act by a single male, had no advanced knowledge of explosives, except the rudimentary knowledge that lead to the making of the two IED's used in this particular bombing.

(04-19-2013, 12:05 AM)Linuxephus Wrote: Update #2: Two suspects, domestic, have been identified on security footage as having been responsible for dropping both payloads 12 minutes before the the occurence of the first bomb's detonation.
Also keep in mind at the time of the first post, Intel. was still incoming after having been analysed to separate sources from media sources.
Will keep this information updated as permissible.


North Korea threatens U.S. #2

Read it here

(04-16-2013, 03:04 PM)Linuxephus Wrote: The explosives used for the two IED's consisted of Black Powder (you read that correctly, old fashioned black [gun] powder) and Ball Bearings, two to be very precise. Immediate and directly source based Intel., which is classified as a home grown terrorist act by a single male, had no advanced knowledge of explosives, except the rudimentary knowledge that lead to the making of the two IED's used in this particular bombing.

(04-19-2013, 12:05 AM)Linuxephus Wrote: Update #2: Two suspects, domestic, have been identified on security footage as having been responsible for dropping both payloads 12 minutes before the the occurence of the first bomb's detonation.
Also keep in mind at the time of the first post, Intel. was still incoming after having been analysed to separate sources from media sources.
Will keep this information updated as permissible.


RE: North Korea threatens U.S. #3
Cold war 2.0


RE: North Korea threatens U.S. #4
Cold war 2.0


RE: North Korea threatens U.S. #5
Cold War 2.1 The Revised Edition.
Now on sale for just $19.95.
Sorry, no COD's.
If you have any questions, please refer to the manual for the prequel (Cold War 2.0) to the sequel (Cold War 2.1 The Revised Edition).Cool


RE: North Korea threatens U.S. #6
Cold War 2.1 The Revised Edition.
Now on sale for just $19.95.
Sorry, no COD's.
If you have any questions, please refer to the manual for the prequel (Cold War 2.0) to the sequel (Cold War 2.1 The Revised Edition).Cool


RE: North Korea threatens U.S. #7
Cold War 2.1 The Revised Edition.
Now on sale for just $19.95.
Origin Edition
*North Korea launch day DLC only $20*
(Requires constant internet connection)
No problems, only solutions.


RE: North Korea threatens U.S. #8
Cold War 2.1 The Revised Edition.
Now on sale for just $19.95.
Origin Edition
*North Korea launch day DLC only $20*
(Requires constant internet connection)
No problems, only solutions.


RE: North Korea threatens U.S. #9
Lol I love these comments!


RE: North Korea threatens U.S. #10
Lol I love these comments!


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