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Lottery #1
Hi Hacker Community Discusion,

Anyone knows the Lottery secrets???

Any lottery secrets on the interent that MIGHT know
the possibility of the next winning nunbers before the
drawing date and time????

You can calll me "John".

John "Mr. Sply"


RE: Lottery #2
Y must say that i know the secret of lotery. The fortune , and never stop to play - you may win ,sometimes.Or the best secret-is to buid a future car -goes on the future and return whith the numbers.What the heck.Let me tell you how i think that lottery work. When you type a tiket to play , the number goes to a database. So - they already know what numbers is played and they could use some trick -whith the balls in order to limitate the winners.That is all. You could build a software and see what is the possible numbers but at least that you are not playing on the last minute before they closed - you chance to win is small. I have a teacher on the high school that was a programmer for the normal machine slot play seeit in all the bars. He told us that the software is programmed to not give much wins.Otherwise where is the investition of thir machine .Same for the lottery.Is protected by the governement but - on italy we have a word- never does not steal from the government, because the government non received with pleasure the concorence.Say all this take a tour to the history of the lottery:
[Image: 4180_gif_by_d53865-d31l0il.gif]

“If they ever tell my story let them say I walked with giants, men rise and fall like the Winter wheat but these names will never die...let them say I lived in the time of Achilles...”


RE: Lottery #3
YES, your right on one part about the database....
My ex-brother in-law believes once you buy the ticket at
the store, the Lottery can see your numbers in theri computer
system. And decides which ones should win or won't.
But my Mom believes that they don't have the time to
look all the people's numbers in their database.
But most of the guys do. Most of them suggested is
to buy the ticket in the last minute before the ticket sales
closed. I tried that whiin 10 minute before closing, and
no luck on that stragety.

However, back in 2006 when Powerball had their first
$314 Million jackpot, in December, 2006 drawing, there was
one winner in West Virginia. It was Jack Williker.
Well, on the day before the drawing night, some New Jersey
Newspaper new the up coming winning numbers for that drawing
night. So, the editor printed that projected winning numbers
on the morning of the drawing date.

Now, you tell me, how did the New Jersey Newspaper knew
the winning number and they printd on the day before the
drawing??? The day after the drawing, many New Jersey
people read the newspaper and said that those winning
numbers were printed on the day of the drawing.
They got suspicious with the newspaper. And the newspaper
folks found out that it was the editor that knew, and either
they let the editor go or fired.

Now, I think, we the Hacker Community would like to know
what and how did that newspaper editor knew the winning
nubers, and went ahead printed on the day of the drawing.

I'm wondering maybe the editor might know someone and
some sources that maybe was able to access the database
of the lottery tickets with numbers, and came up with
the projected winning numbers. I don't know, but I'm just

That's all I can tell. But wish we would know the database
access to see if there any projective winning number for the
drawing date. I'm sure the lottery folks knows in advanced????
They probably put some light-weight microchip inside those balls
to command which one can pop up. : - )))

Mr. Spy


RE: Lottery #4
Well there is alwais a commission meeting before they select the number. Maybe that editor was one of the comission,or at least he was knew where it happens the meeting and place some microphone.The answer to this could be manny. If they was meeting one day first about the lottery that is maybe becouse they intent to give something to a winner,or the solution for the number was finished. How knows-remains on the foot the facts that lottery are a hazard game (only for a side -ours) made for trick and foolish the people,to give they the hope to win . I play only once , when i dream a number Biggrin and is came out.But whith a flower you cannot make the spring .Biggrin It is still strange one thing-you know-most off the winner plays only one fucking little tiket meanwile the others plays more then one and win a shit.

Ohh- i forgot one thing -is important also the periods to play -when most people even if he don't believe plays.
[Image: 4180_gif_by_d53865-d31l0il.gif]

“If they ever tell my story let them say I walked with giants, men rise and fall like the Winter wheat but these names will never die...let them say I lived in the time of Achilles...”


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