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Life Updates 3 filter_list
Life Updates 3 #1
Sorry, guys I finally figured where I was posting all this an just been dealing with a lot.

So as you all knew I had my parents out on my front lawn there till they got kicked off by me an the town cause of township rules. Now I still have most an meaning basically half there animals still here that they couldn't take. I got a huge section of my yard dead covered with piss an such that have attracted flies an likely cause, it has done so got spiders in my places now an there not these little things either. I still got roaches that I been killing cause, of there fridge they bought over from the old house. So here again this month was a $400 light bill that I had to get help with from some kind of support office. I'm still trying to find someone who will look at my place to figure out repair costs before my floors get any worse then being weak an wrapped after trying to fix them. I'm literally down to $2.00 an not sure how I'm gonna make it through paying bills an on top if taking more hours at work cause, kids will be back in school an needing to get my teeth fixed where I cracked it on top of everything else. I'm also, trying to get my grandfather moved down here from his place cause, of his health an such.


RE: Life Updates 3 #2
This Is quite critical, hence I've decided to move this from The Lounge forum to Serious Discussion.

Just remember- things can always be worse. You still have a job and a roof over your head, so this Is a huge positive. I do hope everything Improves a lot sooner than later.
[Image: AD83g1A.png]


RE: Life Updates 3 #3
If your parents and you're alright with it, you can always put them up for adoption. For the bugs I'd just spray around your house with something cheap that you can get. And what's up with your electric bill? Just try and cut down on whatever your not using for that I guess. Good luck with everything.


RE: Life Updates 3 #4
Its cause, they ran the camper into my house an used the water an electric off of it. My yard looks worse compared to when I bought the place. The yard was over grown then an now I dont exactly have a mower now to use either cause, I had to get a new bolt an figure out what I needed an can't get the blade to stay on.


RE: Life Updates 3 #5
(05-31-2019, 10:00 PM)Sugar_chill Wrote: Its cause, they ran the camper into my house an used the water an electric off of it. My yard looks worse compared to when I bought the place. The yard was over grown then an now I dont exactly have a mower now to use either cause, I had to get a new bolt an figure out what I needed an can't get the blade to stay on.

If you have an edger lying around somewhere you could use that for your grass. It would take longer but at least it would look better.


RE: Life Updates 3 #6
So i think I said that I had the tools to fix my mower then. However, the person who took the blade off seemed to thrown out the bolt. So when ingot the bolt an the tools its not holding it an he fucked up the kill switch. So I'm trying to do like 2 acres using a weed eater that's electric. My cars acting worse an been jerking me an will stall on occasionally. Havrnt been able to make a payment in 2 months an have some wierd guy telling me what to do

On a side note I found someone to work with for ewhoreing an there cool like that. I seen someone where some guy paid like a $1000 a week but I dont know who


RE: Life Updates 3 #7
(06-03-2019, 04:47 PM)Sugar_chill Wrote: So i think I said that I had the tools to fix my mower then. However, the person who took the blade off seemed to thrown out the bolt. So when ingot the bolt an the tools its not holding it an he fucked up the kill switch. So I'm trying to do like 2 acres using a weed eater that's electric. My cars acting worse an been jerking me an will stall on occasionally. Havrnt been able to make a payment in 2 months an have some wierd guy telling me what to do

On a side note I found someone to work with for ewhoreing an there cool like that. I seen someone where some guy paid like a $1000 a week but I dont know who

As long as you can get something going with e-whoring, it usually works out. You'll start growing and you'll start getting a lot more people that will donate.


RE: Life Updates 3 #8
So I tired selling off one of kynolder phones an it ended up earting it in the kios. My car died while going tonthe store an had to put it in nutrleral to restart it on top of everything no money for gas an only have one bar an says it needs gas


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