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There was a very particular style of DDOS attack just now, it was mitigated.
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Is it snowing or is it just me? filter_list
RE: Is it snowing or is it just me? #11
Yay my nigga Snow, welcome to the forum man <3.


RE: Is it snowing or is it just me? #12
Welcome aboard, Snow. Have fun and enjoy your stay.
[Image: a319ef9581853.560e3236d2b0b.png]


RE: Is it snowing or is it just me? #13
Welcome. I'm studying IT security at uni. Wink


RE: Is it snowing or is it just me? #14
Welcome to DZ Snow!
Get creative: Makestation
Make some money: RevenueHerald.com


RE: Is it snowing or is it just me? #15
I wish it was snowing.

Welcome to DZ! We all hope you enjoy being here.
[Image: wIIEgij.png]


RE: Is it snowing or is it just me? #16
It's just you. :poop: Welcome to Discussion Zone.


RE: Is it snowing or is it just me? #17
Thank you everyone for the awesome warm welcome! I can tell already I'm going to enjoy my stay here at DZ!


RE: Is it snowing or is it just me? #18
Your actually pretty cool. Decent Introduction, Nice Avatar. +8 for you.
. Slash.
Welcome to the forums.


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