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Incomplete 4 way handshake every time! filter_list
Incomplete 4 way handshake every time! #1
Hi everyone:

I recently got into pentesting and had been practicing on my own router. My current setup is a laptop running the latest backtrack 5 with an alfa awus036nha antennae. Testing on WEP encryption is fine and i have a 100% success rate thus far; however, when i switched to WPA2 it's been 0%. Although airodump always tell me i captured the WPA handshake with the deauth command; cowpatty tells me nothing but incomplete 4 way handshake exchanges. And when i examine the capture file on wireshark, i can see i only have 2 eapol keys. The weird thing is that my router and client is literally inches from me! So it can't be a signal strength problem. What am i doing wrong or not doing?! Please advise.

Many thanks!


RE: Incomplete 4 way handshake every time! #2
I am new to this but you might try to save a .cap file from airodump-ng and then once the handshake is captured run that .cap file against aircrack-ng using a dictionary file. Like I said though i am new at this.


RE: Incomplete 4 way handshake every time! #3
Thanks very much! i'll give that a go. otherwise for some reason i'm still getting a partial handshake. sigh!


RE: Incomplete 4 way handshake every time! #4
Unless it is some "far out" password you should be able to manage with only two of the four-way


RE: Incomplete 4 way handshake every time! #5
If you get two of the four you should be able to get the p/w but if its not a dictionary word i think you will be out of luck anyway. new at this so not positive.


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