If you could create a game? 04-01-2013, 03:16 AM
Probably some sort of MMORPG style civilization building game. Maybe something of a criss between WoW and civ5 (if you know what that is...)
If you could create a game? filter_list | |
(04-01-2013, 03:18 AM)Slyestcat Wrote: I've always though a combined Strategy Game, like Halo Wars, and an FPS would be awesome.
Like you have the ability to create different things within your base, but you can also like select one of your army to control.
(04-01-2013, 04:53 AM)lauranavas Wrote: My own version of Pokémon. It would be based on my school and include characters like that. It's even better since my school is pretty ghetto and most of the black people there are a representation of those ghetto black people, so it's pretty crazy. I'm pals with them though, and we always talk about how the moves would be something like "Sass", "Thief", "Twerk" and things like that. It's just something we talk about in class, but it would make a great game for our school, at least.
(04-01-2013, 04:55 AM)Flashdrive Wrote: Making pokemon game remakes is not that hard at all. In fact U believe the program called "game maker" has things for people to make their own pokemon games all Yuo need to know is ruby and someone has made a base file already mostly done.
At least from Wut U remember when U was like 12.