Idea For The Site 11-10-2012, 07:54 PM
So today I was thinking if there was anything that could improve
the forums and I thought that I have never really seen any staff
members other than The Anarchist.
I was just wondering if you thought it was a good idea to recruit
staff, make sure they are good enough for the job.
I'm not trying to beg for me to be staff with this thread, I just thought
that it may be a good idea to have some staff for when you were offline (The Anarchist)
the forums and I thought that I have never really seen any staff
members other than The Anarchist.
I was just wondering if you thought it was a good idea to recruit
staff, make sure they are good enough for the job.
I'm not trying to beg for me to be staff with this thread, I just thought
that it may be a good idea to have some staff for when you were offline (The Anarchist)