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Ian/Bolt/Kfckng's UDP/HTTP/SYN Flooder! filter_list
RE: Ian/Bolt/Kfckng's UDP/HTTP/SYN Flooder! #21
I have a huge list of these I maybe might share with later Smile Thanks for this one, hope it works still. Old post. Confused
Skype - o0TempPhoenix0o


RE: Ian/Bolt/Kfckng's UDP/HTTP/SYN Flooder! #22
It keeps crashing on me. Not sure why.


RE: Ian/Bolt/Kfckng's UDP/HTTP/SYN Flooder! #23
This is basically a newer version of LOIC. People, unless you have a gaming computer and >100mbit line, your home line is useless for DDoS. As well, it it traceable back to your home ip, and your ISP.
Pay respects to the malformed SYN packet.


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