psychology... is complicated.
But anyway, I have a few things to say here...
One: I've been there... well, I am there. People are cruel, and both sides may be misunderstanding... Listen to angry music (Metal FTW!), and play some shooters... that will distract you for the day.
Two: There's a book you might want to read... TTOB "The Tao Of Badass"... It's basically a dating guide, except it includes the psychology... Been a lot of use to me... I can upload & send you a link... PM me if you want it
Three: I would list things you should do to attract her, but you can read those if you get the book above
(11-11-2013, 04:45 AM)SQLi Wrote: Don't give her any attention, she'll do anything to get it. Treat her like shit, women like it.
Partially true...
They enjoy the "pursue"... As in, they don't see you being worth it if you give yourself to them... make them work for it
On the other hand, don't go around being an asshole.
It's a fine line we have to walk brother
(11-10-2013, 08:16 AM)w00t Wrote: Let me say what Oni hinted at, but is too kind to say.
Until then, just have lots of meaningless sex like everyone else.
You deserve a +1 reputation for that advice xD