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Fractal society filter_list
Fractal society #1
When Im unable to sleep at night, I delve into internet university, loading my (un)conscious mind with new knowledge. I recently stumbled upon fractal science and unified physics which talk about not only energy, propulsion, communication but also life, lifeforce, consciousness, perception, universe, nature, healing, architecture, economics, law, politics, DNA, enlightement and peak perception.... well pretty much everything and all of it from the point of view of serious electrical engineering and with the rigor of science, pure principle, simplicity, objectivity and practical use.

 Esp. the main lecturer Dan Winter is really awesome, you HAVE TO check him out, he is funny, educated, fast and cool. This physics is well on the way, working and already commercially successful. Just not in the mainstream. Guess why Smile

Check out fractalfield.com and goldenmean.info and Youtube channel Dan Winter.

Actually this seems to be the most useful, comprehensive and complex science I found, which unifies the principles and even explains spirituality, metaphysics, magic, alchemy and more.

Please keep mind open when exploring. But also use healthy scepticism (= questioning) . Enjoy the ride!
Do more epic shit!


RE: Fractal society #2
Just what exactly does the term mean, lucid dreaming? Which fields have a different take on 'fractal society'?
(from looking at wikipedia, mathematics, metaphysics...)


RE: Fractal society #3
Whoa, pretty cool stuff!
Some time ago I stumbled upon something too, the work of Nassim Haramein. He is pretty advanced too. I recommend the documentary movie The Connected Universe narrated by Sir Patrick Stewart.

Keep in mind Nikola Tesla: The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of it.
May the vacuum be with You.


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