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Favorite Operating System filter_list
RE: Favorite Operating System #71
Puppy linux is a personal favorite in this house hold Smile


RE: Favorite Operating System #72
So far I like Win 7. I really dislike Win 8. Also I've used Linux a few times & I like what I've seen.
[Image: b3f0a97bdadd6fe3f12f4c4e28584085_zpsbfbc8c42.png]


RE: Favorite Operating System #73
I really enjoy Windows XP and Vista.


RE: Favorite Operating System #74
I'm quite comfortable on Win7 Smile


RE: Favorite Operating System #75
Windows 95 is my favorite. Without it all operating systems would be completely different.
(09-18-2013, 06:59 AM)w00t Wrote: everything sucks, everybody's fake, everything's lame and everyone's gay!


RE: Favorite Operating System #76
Win 7 for almost everything


RE: Favorite Operating System #77
Last post on the thread as I have come to a conclussion.
Arch for day to day use.
Kali for shitty pentesting nmap l33tness
Win XP for finding buffer overflows.


RE: Favorite Operating System #78
Windows 8.1 is the best OP system I've used so far! Its fast, good-looking and secure!


RE: Favorite Operating System #79
Depend, if I should make somekind of server(HTTP for example) I will use CentOS, for programming I would preffer any Linux, for gaming I will use Windows XP or 7 (I like old games like Red Alert 2), for main OS on my PC I'm using Windows 8 felling really confotabl with it. for hacking I like Bugtraq(Linux)


RE: Favorite Operating System #80
My favorite OP is Windows 8.1. It's very fast and good to work with.
[Image: YuwcFg6.png?2]


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