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Favorite Champion filter_list
Favorite Champion #1
I was wondering what your favorite champion was? There are a ton of good options, but mine would have to be Jax.

What's yours?


RE: Favorite Champion #2
I've only recently started playing, but my favorites so far is Xin Zhao and Ashe.
[Image: rYBC5OE.gif]


RE: Favorite Champion #3
Ashe was the first champion I played and she's still my favorite.


RE: Favorite Champion #4
Aatrox, the new one :3


RE: Favorite Champion #5
(06-17-2013, 11:17 AM)Dylan Wrote: Aatrox, the new one :3

Haven't played him/her(?) yet, any good?


RE: Favorite Champion #6
(06-17-2013, 11:28 AM)Wonders Wrote: Haven't played him/her(?) yet, any good?

Him. And yes, he has an in-built GA with a 225 second CD with I think is quite OP, his W gives fantastic HP regeneration so he's great for top lane, and his e gives solid harass. Also, his Q is like malphite's ultimate.


RE: Favorite Champion #7
(06-17-2013, 01:09 PM)Dylan Wrote: Him. And yes, he has an in-built GA with a 225 second CD with I think is quite OP, his W gives fantastic HP regeneration so he's great for top lane, and his e gives solid harass. Also, his Q is like malphite's ultimate.

I understood absoloutley none of that sentence at all xD


RE: Favorite Champion #8
Are you new to LoL Muzzy, or did I just screw up grammatically? Confused


RE: Favorite Champion #9
I don't know the name, but its like a very big monster person.


RE: Favorite Champion #10
I play Ashe soemetimes, but I have recently started playing as Vayne and I have started using her as my main.


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