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Do You Consider WWE a Sport? 04-21-2013, 07:31 PM
We all know that wrestlers are bitter creatures because people always say that wrestling is fake and according to these wrestlers, they are every bit - if not more athlete than those athletes who compete in 'Official Sports' like soccer and baseball and things like that.
I'm not sure whether to say it's a sport or not, because the outcomes of the matches are already determined before the fights take place. What's your take on whether wrestling's a real sport or not?
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: Do You Consider WWE a Sport? 04-21-2013, 07:50 PM
Well, the wrestlers do work out, so I would have to say yes. It's all staged, but that's not the point. I'm sure none of us here on CnC have their bodies.
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RE: Do You Consider WWE a Sport? 04-21-2013, 08:05 PM
The wrestlers would definitely be considered athletes, but I consider it to be more of a job/entertainment rather then a sport.
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RE: Do You Consider WWE a Sport? 04-21-2013, 08:10 PM
I personally wouldn't consider wresting to be a sport; I'd think of it as entertainment.
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RE: Do You Consider WWE a Sport? 04-22-2013, 07:01 AM
Although they do train and act,and everything is pre-determined, they do train and work as hard as any other athlete in any other sport. That doesn't make what they do a sport though, in my opinion. One of the main themes of sport is competition, and that competition has to be genuine in my opinion. It's not genuine in the WWE.
Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Do You Consider WWE a Sport? 04-22-2013, 07:32 AM
Yes, they train, they are big and muscular, but at the end of the day what they do is acting.
~ Fear of the unknown.
Eleven Years of Service
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RE: Do You Consider WWE a Sport? 04-22-2013, 01:06 PM
I don't because they are faking it. It is really stupid if you ask me. I am a MMA fighter and I can't tell you that WWE is a sport. Just like Demo said, they do a lot of stuff and they are healthy, big ans strong, but they are acting and because of that, it is not a sport for me.
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: Do You Consider WWE a Sport? 04-22-2013, 01:07 PM
I wouldn't call it a sport, rather a hobby.