Computer Science eBooks 06-19-2016, 11:08 PM
These eBooks should be beneficial to anyone who's interested in computer science.
Introduction to Computing
Head First HTML and CSS: 2nd Edition
Head First Programming
Head First Python
Python 3 OOP: 2nd Edition
Python Cookbook: 3rd Edition
Black Hat Python
Hacking for Dummies: 4th edition
Crypto 101
Hacking the Xbox: Intro to Reverse Engineering
A Guide to Kernal Exploitation: Attacking the Core
Google Hacking for Penetration Testers
Basic Compiler Design
Think Complexity
Machine Learning
The Browser Hacker's Handbook: 2014
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook
Python Pocket Reference: 2014
Introduction to Computing
Head First HTML and CSS: 2nd Edition
Head First Programming
Head First Python
Python 3 OOP: 2nd Edition
Python Cookbook: 3rd Edition
Black Hat Python
Hacking for Dummies: 4th edition
Crypto 101
Hacking the Xbox: Intro to Reverse Engineering
A Guide to Kernal Exploitation: Attacking the Core
Google Hacking for Penetration Testers
Basic Compiler Design
Think Complexity
Machine Learning
The Browser Hacker's Handbook: 2014
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook
Python Pocket Reference: 2014