(08-02-2021, 03:10 PM)ballsinmyface445 Wrote: Chris Chan is a much different case. Look at his life, his mental health condition
I certainly agree he's a different case - so different that It warrants a bullet to his head, as opposed to a slap on the wrist by putting him under arrest.
There are countless Individuals who have serious mental health Issues, many of whom are a lot worse than him, but I've yet to read about anyone performing such disgusting acts of Incest.
(08-02-2021, 03:10 PM)ballsinmyface445 Wrote: and the fact that the mother whom he raped was manipulative towards him for his whole life.
He had a choice to report her to the police, but no, he decided via his very own volition to abuse his mother In a manner that's beyond comprehension.
(08-02-2021, 03:10 PM)ballsinmyface445 Wrote: Its probably the case that the legal system will probably declare him as insane and put him in a mental health facility.
This sets a precedent for others to take advantage of mental Instability and get free accommodation with 3 hot meals a day, and regular health checks. A pretty good deal for committing a serious offense, don't you think? Don't get me wrong,
I'm not targeting this at yourself, but rather the fact that his actions and behavior Is totally Inexcusable, Irrespective of the magnitude of his personal Issues.
He's not a dumb Individual who doesn't know right from wrong, just look at the context of his messages - predominantly grammatically correct, well punctuated and all events expressed rather Intelligently. He was well aware that his actions were Inappropriate, but unfortunately, he fooled his fans and supporters to believe otherwise and feel sorry for him.