(02-18-2023, 07:25 AM)blamb1 Wrote: For those of us at Sinisterly that voluntarily choose not to have children be that temporarily or permanently, do you ever feel pressured or morally obligated to?
Do we not hold a responsibility to reproduce and extend our bloodlines?
Should we be expected to provide our parent's with grandchildren?
I'm conflicted and would be intrigued to hear peoples thoughts on the matter.
This is something I have thought about deeply. I've been happy and depressed over it.
I was raised in a Christian community. It was basically expected for people to get married, and get married young. Adults didn't care about their kids going to college. They wanted them to work and start a family because that's what they did. I simply learned through meeting different people that it was better for me to wait. I saw the difference between my family members, my friends' families, and strangers. I wondered how some people were more successful than others.
I slept around a lot but never had kids. It's possible I do have some out there, but I've never paid child support or had someone come after me. It's possible they had abortions. It's possible they just didn't want to tell me.
So the issue with me isn't about having kids, but it was religion itself. Religion surpassed going to church. It was what was normal and acceptable. We were supposed to group up and depend on some menial job for our existence. We were stuck on the bottom of the totem pole. We had people hold us down because they depended on us to keep making an income. Government assistance only goes so far. I decided I didn't want to experience this unless I was with the right person, and I haven't found them yet. I stopped looking for a while, but I did spend a lot of time traveling and studying. I intend on pursuing a master's degree in January. I've been to every state in the US and parts of Mexico as well.
Then there's people like this:
There's a man in the UK who has over 800 children. There's been kings, religious figures, and politicians that have done this for centuries. None of them are married. They just had fuckload of kids. A lot of them are on cult level status, with people desiring their children over other people in some fucked up way.
It kind of bothered me. What if I was just some descendant of an evil rapist tyrant?
Most of it has to do with religion and customs, like I said before. America is designed around the nuclear family. We have child support laws. We have marriage LAWS, not just customs. They are literally legal aspects of our lives. It is intended for us as the work force to get married and cohabitate. We then rent shitty apartments at high rates and go into debt with the millions of debt traps out there like credit cards, pay day loans, and car title loans. The system is simply designed that way to keep a strong working class, in my opinion. It's like that in most societies and just about all religions. The poorest and the majority are the most pious. They have the strongest faith yet have the worst lives. The ruling class ALWAYS exploits them. They live like kings do. They drive the jets, fuck the super models, drive the Ferraris, etc. That's just the way it works and it's designed that way.
I think religion has always just been a tool to exploit a large group of people for the interests of a minority group.
I noticed that rich people don't get married that young or have multiple wives. They don't just work at shitty jobs. They become owners. They go to college. What do business owners need? Workers. It all made sense to me.
So I do want to reproduce. I feel the desire to pass on my seed. I don't know if I want to be in the picture, though. I am considering donating sperm. I might find a couple who's interested in having my child, or multiple couples. I'm also looking at traveling outside of the country. I might just go around having kids with random women who want them. I wouldn't mind having several as long as I'm not being a husband and am free to roam.
Someone before me said they were selfish yet said they had an obligation to raise their offspring. I think just the mother has that obligation since she is physically designed to do so. Male animals do not do that. Men are designed to be polygynous.
I have to be honest: you won't believe me, but I've slept with over 100 women. A lot of them are strippers and the like, but a lot of them weren't. I don't have any STDs and I've never coerced any of them. Most of the time there wasn't even any alcohol or anything involved. It just worked that way. I can tell when they want to.
The other thing is that I have older sisters. I actually have 3 older sisters, 2 of which are much older and from my father's first marriage. My immediate older sister is polyandrous. She's had 3 husbands. Her kids have 3 different fathers. She's sort of a dominant female in that light, and I'm sort of a dominant male in my own light, although maybe I'm just a sigma male, the outsider type.
I wonder if our childhood had something to do with both of our mating patterns.