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[C]Do loop prob filter_list
[C]Do loop prob #1
Hey! So, I have another noob question, I'm learning the DO loop... well... I have this code:
main() {
    char another;
    int num;
        printf("\nEnter a number: ");
        scanf("%d", &num);
        printf("Square of %d is %d", num, num * num);
        printf("\nWant to enter another number y/n? ");
    }while(another == 'y');

well... when I execute the code, this happens:
=> I'm asked to enter a number
=> A square of the number is printed
=> It asks me if I want to enter another number
=> The program exits ...

Well... where is the prob? Thanks!!!
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RE: [C]Do loop prob #2
use %s here instead of %c.
ex:- scanf("%s",&another);
[Image: 262s21x.jpg]


RE: [C]Do loop prob #3
Just add getch(); before the final } .


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