Bubblews - Post news stories, social like comments & more 11-12-2012, 08:05 PM
Bubblews is a patent pending system built around the ethos of community.
What do you do in Bubblews?
Treat it like a social network, a unique one, all you do is add "connections", connections means friends. Then you can Submit posts, these posts can be related to pretty much any category, the only rules I found are nothing copyright, so, include sources as much as you can when making posts.
When people like, comment or share your posts, you earn money!!!
The minimum payout is $25
Use Bing and Google to see reviews of this site, there's a lot of good ones and everyone says it's a great site.
What do you do in Bubblews?
Treat it like a social network, a unique one, all you do is add "connections", connections means friends. Then you can Submit posts, these posts can be related to pretty much any category, the only rules I found are nothing copyright, so, include sources as much as you can when making posts.
When people like, comment or share your posts, you earn money!!!
The minimum payout is $25
Use Bing and Google to see reviews of this site, there's a lot of good ones and everyone says it's a great site.