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RE: AnarchyStresser - Powerful UDP Flooding - Optional Ports - NO CoolDown 01-27-2013, 02:02 AM
How much money do you need to get this back up?
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: AnarchyStresser - Powerful UDP Flooding - Optional Ports - NO CoolDown 01-27-2013, 02:19 AM
I would be interested in donating as well, or maybe buying a life time membership with a higher length of hits?
Twelve Years of Service
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RE: AnarchyStresser - Powerful UDP Flooding - Optional Ports - NO CoolDown 01-27-2013, 03:10 AM
I'd love for this to be re-opened.
Twelve Years of Service
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Threads: 4
RE: AnarchyStresser - Powerful UDP Flooding - Optional Ports - NO CoolDown 01-30-2013, 12:36 AM
I'd take over the project of this, if I have the staffs' permission, along with the creator of this. I would be able to provide hosting, API's, and basically be able to run it for everyone.
Selling ownership of Agony Products and InfernoAPI, PM me for details or to make an offer!
Twelve Years of Service
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Threads: 116
RE: AnarchyStresser - Powerful UDP Flooding - Optional Ports - NO CoolDown 01-30-2013, 12:18 PM
PhantomZ, if you can get hosting and an API... I don't see why you even need to take over the project. Just start your own.