AF Gaming Night [XBOX] 12-29-2012, 12:22 PM
Hey guys, I thought I'd start up an AF Gaming Night to see how it goes. Depending on how this one goes, I may arrange more nights. All nights will be played on Black Ops 2 for the Xbox 360. This is a brilliant opportunity to get to know more members on AF and just have a genuinely good time.
What game modes will we be playing?
It will be decided by those attending in the game lobby.
I'm not sure that I can attend, rain-check?
Sure, just make sure you let me know before the set time.
I don't have Black Ops 2...
Sorry, but unless the majority of members don't have this game, we'll be playing Black Ops 2. We may arrange future nights to assign to other games.
What is the time and date?
30/12/2012 at 12AM GMT/UTC. Use the following site to convert this into your own time.
I will start inviting people 10 minutes before 12AM, to give everyone enough time to get on.
Sounds great! How do I get in?
Just copy the following, fill it in and reply.
Current People Attending:
What game modes will we be playing?
It will be decided by those attending in the game lobby.
I'm not sure that I can attend, rain-check?
Sure, just make sure you let me know before the set time.
I don't have Black Ops 2...
Sorry, but unless the majority of members don't have this game, we'll be playing Black Ops 2. We may arrange future nights to assign to other games.
What is the time and date?
30/12/2012 at 12AM GMT/UTC. Use the following site to convert this into your own time.
I will start inviting people 10 minutes before 12AM, to give everyone enough time to get on.
Sounds great! How do I get in?
Just copy the following, fill it in and reply.
Certainty on Coming:
Not sure/Sure/Maybe
Time Zone:
Current People Attending:
- BreShiE
- Cyber-Savage [MAYBE]