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AF Country Avatars filter_list
AF Country Avatars #1
I just learned how to put an image in text on Photshop, so I thought I'd make a few avatars depending on what part of the world you're from.

[Image: jip2OD36ky8CU.png] United Kingdom
[Image: jrDYKy0RaXoTj.png] United Kingdom v2

[Image: j7igTnkFfUMGC.png] United States

[Image: jAVCWr8oJpCjB.png] Netherlands

[Image: j8yZU9f5dFjZj.png] Germany

[Image: jbrHxUOyVwGSxT.png] India

[Image: icdX2guGZ4VS7.png] Brazil

[Image: jbkNKL8VyDJJtv.png] Ireland
I'll be adding more as I do them, you can also request your country to be done. Smile

I know they're not that good, but it just gives me practice and I thought I'd share them.
[Image: F4Z9Dqw.png]


RE: AF Country Avatars #2
You should put a border around the letters.
Make one for Antarctica.
[Image: fSEZXPs.png]


RE: AF Country Avatars #3
They look nice but maybe add a stroke to them like what Anarchist said, they need some more 'boldness' to them if you get the groove Biggrin

I'll use the UK one so thank you very much for these Biggrin


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