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Diamond Look Like Trump WIll loose this election filter_list
RE: Look Like Trump WIll loose this election #4
(11-05-2020, 11:35 AM)Boudica Wrote: There's still more votes to count and verify, but it is beginning to look more and more likely.

I can't say I'd be particularly excited if either side won. They're men deeply into their 70s who are involved with parties with no real coherence or central values. Oni and I were discussing this yesterday. I think it makes it difficult, as an outsider, to know what these parties really stand for. I'll give you an example: Libertarians generally have a core value of liberty, or freedom. When approaching an issue, their core framework for approaching decision-making will be something along the lines of "Does this infringe upon people's freedom? Does this harm anyone?".
Whereas, the Republicans don't appear to have a core principal. They seem to flip between religious values, values of commerce/economy/business, and then the 2nd amendment. They're against taking away people's freedoms on one matter, but then they're against giving women the right to choose when it comes to abortion, even when concerning rape/incest. It's a very strange mish-mash of values. The same appears to be true of Democrats. There doesn't appear to be any one core value. Also, democratic policies often talk about ideals, like free education and healthcare, but rarely discuss the practicalities of how they will pay for that, and achieve that.

With all this in mind, I wonder how this impacts people's decisions to vote. A majority of the people I've been able to have a discussion with, would consider themselves Independent, but rarely have ever actually voted independent.

Tl;DR - The Republican and Democrat parties don't appear to be centered around a core value, so their approaches to key issues appears a bit messy. Could this be impacting the way people vote?

i want to know is this election is international or country people only vote ....? as recently trump was arrived in India to ask for vote.... Confused


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RE: Look Like Trump WIll loose this election - by fsociety - 11-05-2020, 02:39 PM

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