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Gold [SE Tool (Dell.com)]: Service Tag Generator filter_list
[SE Tool (Dell.com)]: Service Tag Generator #1
app by me
thanks to @PythonRaze for helping

Files (3):
# File present in "[Dell.com] - Service Tag Generator.zip" (4kb) #

- [Dell.com] - Service Tag Generator.exe | 8kb
- settings.ini | 42b

# Optional Files #

- service_tags_output.txt | 110kb

- Tags are not checked & not 100% accurate
- No limits of keys
- App isn't obfuscated, feel free to edit it
- The sample files contains 5k tags (2.5k with AlwaysEndWithMQ2 enabled, 2.5k with AlwaysEndWithMQ2 disabled)

[Image: QWzFqkjpSeG0eX3NsHRpaA.png]

Settings explanation:
AlwaysEndWithMQ2 is used indicate the generator that all the keys should end with "MQ2", this is because i've had more chance of getting valid tags ending with MQ2, this setting can be disabled in the file but is enabled by default (when disabled, the application might take longer to generate tags)

OutputInTextFile is used to generate a set number of tags in a file ("service_tags_output.txt") instead of having tags generating in the Console Window, this setting can be enabled in the file but is disabled by default (for each batch of tags, a separator will be created at the end)

Different Settings in use (Screenshots):
AlwaysEndWithMQ2 = 0
OutputInTextFile = 0
[Image: RZ79jUZZRhCESeCLgcpPNQ.png]

AlwaysEndWithMQ2 = 1
OutputInTextFile = 0
[Image: xIRWf12-S5_BbFNwKulAcQ.png]

AlwaysEndWithMQ2 = 0
OutputInTextFile = 1
[Image: Rqxd-Tf_QEq5VqF_9WnpQA.png]

AlwaysEndWithMQ2 = 1
OutputInTextFile = 1
[Image: obh-KN5TS8aqUit1Ao71UQ.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-11-2020, 07:53 PM by miso.)


Messages In This Thread
[SE Tool (Dell.com)]: Service Tag Generator - by miso - 07-11-2020, 07:52 PM
Service Tag Generator - by TRANTOR - 12-06-2023, 10:48 AM

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