RE: Life Updates 3 06-03-2019, 04:47 PM
So i think I said that I had the tools to fix my mower then. However, the person who took the blade off seemed to thrown out the bolt. So when ingot the bolt an the tools its not holding it an he fucked up the kill switch. So I'm trying to do like 2 acres using a weed eater that's electric. My cars acting worse an been jerking me an will stall on occasionally. Havrnt been able to make a payment in 2 months an have some wierd guy telling me what to do
On a side note I found someone to work with for ewhoreing an there cool like that. I seen someone where some guy paid like a $1000 a week but I dont know who
On a side note I found someone to work with for ewhoreing an there cool like that. I seen someone where some guy paid like a $1000 a week but I dont know who